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Has ever a littel sibling take you into trouble?

And whats was happend. I mean what do your Sister or Brother and whats was your trouble?


@ maybe this will help-Harvey Milk

Who ask about Parenting Tips for me as older Sister? *lol* Thats really was not the question. I live in my own House with my Husband today and the fights and games with my littel siblings are (mostly) funny memories.

2 Antworten

  • Beste Antwort

    If you are the older brother or sister, you tell them like it is. If you mess with me, I will make your life a living hell. It is your job to raise the little ones, if your Mom is exhausted. Tattle-taling to Mom isn't the way to act like an older brother or sister. You tell the younger ones about the way they will treat you. You tell them the way that it's going to be with you. You are their sibling, they need to listen to you, because you are older. If they don't, you tell them to sit in the corner for five minutes. If they don't listen to you, you pick them up and put them in the corner and have them sit there for five minutes without talking to you. You show them a good example by bringing them to school in the morning and getting their lunch ready, or whatever, if your Mom is busy with her things. You show them a good example. That is always the most important thing for an older sibling to do with a younger sibling, to show them a good example and to take care of them, if the Mother in the situation is busy with her own things. Yeah, it's your job to give across a good example to your siblings. Your Mom is generations away from you and your siblings. Expecting her to relate with their issues all the time is insane. It's your job to pick up the slack...

  • Loz95
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    well, when my brother deliberately got wax all over the carpet9hard to remove) dad came down and started shouting at me for no reason. i tried to talk for my self but he kept on saying how i should have taken the candle of him and how dangerous it was and he would have burnt himself and i was eventually grounded. (bro is 4 )

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