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What is the different about spanking, slaping, hiting children?

English is not my first language and so i am not sure about the different at this words. Also what do you mean if you use this words?

I dont ask about you do it or not or what your opinion is (theres enaugh askings about it)

12 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Unbiased general info:

    Slapping and hitting are random, sudden strikes released from anger, impatience, or not having an immediate resolution to a negative situation your child has caused. The child becomes fearful of outbursts like this and may cause them to develop more severe psychological problems because of it (trauma). It is illegal to hit a child from the neck up.

    Spanking is supposed to be a technique used for immediate punishment for something, to temporarily mentally downgrade them and make them aware they are in trouble, in order to take control/authority in the situation and further dictate true punishment. It should not cause trauma, mainly because pain isn't intended on being the punishment, but rather temporary humiliation. It should not cause a lasting pain other than the mild quick shocks of when the hand actually lands on skin, it's supposed to be on their bottom, and if you are leaving lasting pain/marks, that actually constitutes child abuse. It also shouldn't cause trauma as they have a few moments to grasp that they are at fault, and can mentally prepare for the spanking, and think about "why this is happening" while you're spanking them. It's more organized and lesson-oriented than a sudden burst of rage being released by a strong strike to their face.

    Although using a belt, paddle, or some other form of "weapon" that causes more pain than necessary for the intended punishment to be affective, can cause the anxiety and fear as well (making it not work the way its supposed to). Basically anything that causes trauma and/or physical marks on your child can be an arrestable offense of child abuse.

    The different guild lines for "correct" spanking can be discussed at length. But in conclusion, in a general response to your question: slapping/hitting does not teach children anything, and only causes trauma. It's considered abuse in the US to hit a child from the neck up and/or intentionally strike your child anywhere to the point that they are injured.

    Spanking on the other hand has a pro/con debate to its effectiveness when used in certain ways, and is not illegal. It is not actually intended to cause the child pain, but rather throw the child back into their place of "no authority" to more effectively get through with whatever the real punishment for their misdoing will be. When used correctly it should not cause pain, not cause trauma, and is legally not considered child abuse.

    Post Edit: Anyone who wants to read the immense amount of literature i've had to read about "spanking techniques" can feel free to do so. The fact is we have laws against "hitting" a child, while "spanking" is in fact legal. They ARE legally 2 different things.

    Just because you don't agree with that doesn't mean my information is subject for downrating. Guess the truth is too hard for some people to handle.

    Quelle(n): general knowledge from previous extensive research on the topic; i am also a mother of 2 kids.
  • vor 5 Jahren

    Slapping means to hit someone in the face with an open hand. Spanking is the same, except it's on the buttocks instead of the face. Hitting can mean just about anything, depending on how it's used.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    they mean the same thing, except that some terms are more specific than others. spanking is the most specific term and connotes striking for disciplinary purposes with an open hand on the rear end. slapping is somewhat less specific and connotes striking with an open hand anywhere on the body. hitting is the broadest term and can be closed or open handed anywhere. (it needn't be closed-fisted ... a kid who hits his playmate with an open hand is certainly still "hitting". i agree with the person above me that the specific term for close-fisted hitting is "punch").

    spanking is a form of slapping and slapping is a form of hitting. most dictionary definitions of spanking actually use the word slap. i don't think it's helpful in debating the appropriateness of spanking to pretend it isn't hitting. of course it is. whether it's justified or not can be a separate debate.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    When you spank a child, it is a light slap that is usually on the buttocks. When you slap a child, you hit them with a flat hand and it is usually on the face. When you hit them, you have a closed fist or an object and you strike them with it. The later two are absolutely not acceptable.

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  • vor 6 Jahren

    There was a woman in the street who was slapping her five years old child, because she was carrying. We all were feeling bad, but no one was doing any thing. At last a woman came out after 10 minutes, she said “if you touch her again I’ll come and take her away from you.”

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    It is definitely the same. Spanking is a stupid word for hitting on the butt, slapping means hitting in the face most of the time. The first two words are completely unnecessary. It is all hitting and wrong, and that's not my opinion - that is just a basic fact that everyone s h o u l d be aware of.

  • cr
    Lv 5
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    -to spank means to smack with an object (like a paddle) or one's open hand on the buttocks.

    -to slap (or slapping) is to hit with an open hand on any part of the body. examples; she slapped me across the face. i will slap her on her arm.

    -to hit (or hitting) is a generic term for any kind of strike used on another person, open or closed fist, on any part of the body.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    They're all the same.

    You only see a difference if you're looking for them.

    And to the person above me, actually when you use your fist, it's a punch.

    Hitting, spanking and slapping is the SAME thing, open handed and it ALL causes pain no matter where it is.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    spanking most the time dosnt leave a mark slaping leaves a hand print and hitting leaves a mark but hitting and slaping a child will get you in trouble with cps (child pertection services)

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    spanking is a form of disapline on ones buttox

    slapping is pain to ones face with another persons palm

    hitting is pain to any part of the body with ones fist

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