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Questions about globalisation, do you agree or disagree?

Globalisation damages local goods, services and cultures?

Globalisation increases competition among companies?

Globalisation raises people's living standards??

Globalisation improves international communication and understanding?

4 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort


    John Q....has globalization backward. The ones that suffer under globalization are the developed nations. Remember the Communist Manifesto?" Take from the few according to their ability and give to the many according to their need". The "give" part is one way, away from the people that have worked and accomplished the most, and giving to the people that have not worked for it.

    Your list of the effects of globalization is all backward, reverse all the predicates if you want the truth.

    Quelle(n): Nobody can "bestow" democracy and the benefits that come along with it. Its a visceral thing, a fight to achieve and a fight to maintain. Nation building does not work, Nations build themselves from the inside, its the only way it will work. Its the same with people, improvement comes through consciousness raising, no way else.
  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Globalization is always good for someone and equally bad for someone else. It's see-saw economics. However, I think it should be up to citizens, not companies, to decide the pace and practice of globalization.

    For example, the living standards of U.S. citizens gave rise to the mega-companies who provided those services. Now those companies are "harvesting and exporting" that standard of living to the rest of the world, by lowering it for the U.S. citizens who created them.

    I have no problem with globalization, and in the long term, it is good for everyone -- IF it is carried out in a sound and rational way. (i.e. to the benefit of everyone.)

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    I agree that cultures and individuality are blending together, one worldism means one system of education, economy and banking, politics, medicine and law, greening, blending of races, the Bleaching of America," political correctness, tolerance policies, blending of religious norms, i.e., no longer God but "Higher Power (HP." not Merry Christmas but "happy holidays" not a Christmas tree in the White House but a "holiday tree" No "One nation under God," in the Pledge of Allegiance- it's all on the horizon. That's the function of the United Nations and the US president and they are accomplishing it as we speak. Immigration, the Internet, Socialized medicine, lartgere government, shrinking middle classes, transcontinental flights and cell phones, the satellites that circle the earth, the beating down of swords into plowshares (so to speak) i.e., watering down of powerful militaries and navies especially between the two superpowers (russia and the usa), people crying peace, peace, peace, and there is no peace. Globalization and Socialization are in, personal individuality is out

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    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Look in the real world.

    Decode this lyrics " You'll see "

    "Wonderful world"

    "Papa love Mambo"

    "Mambo No: 5"

    "Cha cha cha"

    Survival of Mankind?

    Glory for the dead Mummy?

    Glory with "Pride and Prejudice" of National Identity of a Rudeness Tribe as majority in control?

    Glory for a one man great dreams as the man who would be king with crown of thorns and two empty hands with two balls as time traveler passing by in time?

    Are we the living of intelligent design or the living dead of a rudeness tribe of National Identity or thing?

    Luke 21.30-36

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    1 Timothy 6.7

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    Luke 4.4

    Revelation 22.13-17

    Genesis 11.1,3-9

    Revelation 16.14

    Luke 24.44-45,47-48

    Luke 11.33-36,46-52

    Leviticus 4.13,22

    Luke 22.3-6,

    Luke 21.8-10

    Leviticus 26.1

    Luke 4.4-7

    Luke 3.7-9

    Exodus 1.5

    John 8.44

    Luke 16.13

    Matt 23.27

    Luke 10.24

    Luke 19.10

    John 7.19

    Matt 7.15-27

    Matt 27.29,37

    Exodus 22.17-21,32

    Exodus 20.12

    Luke 2.32

    Matt 5.9,14

    Matt 1.17

    Revelation 21.1-7

    Exodus 20.1-18

    Luke 6.20-49

    Luke 12.51-53

    Luke 14.26-35

    Exodus 20.1-3

    Leviticus 26.13

    Exodus 15.1-3

    Exodus 24.12

    Exodus 19.5

    Exodus 18.20

    Exodus 23.24,32

    What do you think?

    Quelle(n): decoded from the missing x-files.
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