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If my child is sick and I do nothing to help her, what should my punishment be?

a.) None

b.) 6 months

c.) 10 years

d.) Life in prison

A Wisconsin couple allowed their daughter to die a preventable death rather than seek treatment.

Oh, but they were *praying*. That excuses their behavior. What if locking my kid in the basement were part of my religion? Would I still get only 6 months?

This sort of stuff makes my blood boil. It seems any crime is excusable if only you were doing it for God.


Pay heed those who wish to get rid of unwanted children. Here's a way to murder a child and only serve 6 months in prison.

Priscilla, your comments are irrelevant. *Any* neglect/abuse deserves to be rectified and all abusers should be punished. The point here is these parents *were* neglecting/abusing their child but received a light sentence because they said they were doing it in the name of God.

Update 2:

guitarrman45, I have no problem with the idea of God. My problem is with a belief system that embraces such ignorance and stupidity.

I am very curious to know if these parents have learned anything or if they think she died because they weren't praying hard enough. *That* is the problem with an irrational belief system.

16 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Depends on the laws concerning criminal negligence, which I am unaware of. If you don't feed your child, it's negligence. Health care should be in no way different under the law.

    It is rather sickening, isn't it.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Stories like these leave me torn. On the one hand, the parents thought they were doing the right thing, no doubt believing that god would save their child. On the other, they were negligent by refusing to get proper medical treatment. I do believe that intent should factor into the equation, but that doesn't mean that they should get away without punishment. Unfortunately, I'm not sure what the appropriate punishment should be.

    In any case, rehabilitation should take priority here, not punishment. They need therapy, parenting classes and a proper education in addition to whatever prison sentence they get. A long probationary period is also a must.

    Honestly, it's the church leaders that I'm angry with here, aka the proprietors of ignorance. These idiots brainwash people into believing whatever crap will keep the flock loyal, never having to deal with the dangerous consequences.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I agree with you. It makes my draws go into a wad. But the problem is that people are guaranteed the right to practice their religion in this country. That gaurantee is interpreted in numerous ways to the Nth extreme. The religious take for granted their exalted status in this country. And assume what they do is right. A bad example of how far this delusion can go is Bush saying god told him to invade Iran.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    It is always sad when extremists put their religion before their love and care for a child!!

    It should always be life since it is not just murder but the prolonging and increasing the suffering of the child through their willful neglect!!!

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Most Christians would feel the same as you. Blame the fanatical parents. Not God. God heals through doctors also. And lets not throw stones unless you are without sin. The whole story hasn't been told either.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    In my state and country (NSW - Australia), just last week a woman was sentenced to life imprisonment for failing to care for her 6 year old daughter. She died from malnutrition and was found lying in her own excrement by the authorities.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Its unlawful to not get children help when they are very sick and could die. I'm sure they will be charged. Such a shame that people don't realize that God gives us the knowledge to heal many things.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    This one is easy: You should totally not be given food for at least 66 weeks. Then, after you feel a little bit of hunger pangs, they should pour hot, scalding cheese on your face--twice.

    That's just what I think.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    this is why religion should just be kept to the faith and nothing more... religion should not run your whole lives and its crap only 6 fing months?! thats bogus these people are getting it light which can cause others to do the same! its just a slap on the wrist and thats it... who the hell sentenced them?

    i hope these people are either chemically castrated or killed in prison for what they did. if child molesters are killed im sure they will be in danger also and i hope they are f*cking scared sh*tless cause they should be

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I'd vote for:

    e) being buried head down in a barrel of fresh cow manure

    Let the punishment fit the crime.

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