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Starcraft - differences between computer/pc vs. human behavior?

I justed started to play Starcraft after five years. I can't really remember my past plays, I did never play a lot. What I'm wondering about, is how fast the computer players are! I tried every race and haven't yet won a single game! Even if I expanded to three bases. I first wanted to play against the PC player and then on But might it be, that the PC bots "cheat" or are better than humans?

Or do I really have to at least win every game against a computer bot, before playing on My conclusion if the computer bots were better than humans would be to only play on, because in the future of course one only wants to play on because it is more fun against humans! :) Yet I don't want to constantly loose on or take the time of professional players. Are there any "n00b" servers / meeting rooms? :D

If anyone is a Starcraft n00b / casual player as I am and likes to play, don't hesitate to contact me! ;)

Thanks for your help in advance.

2 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I believe there is a setting in there to slow the AI (difficulty level) down.

    It is possible to beat the computer. The AI gets predictable once you've played enough. It is also more fun against humans because humans are less predictable.

    Suggestion is to google for different strategies and build orders to try. At that point, you can outbuild the computer and win. At that point, you are not a noob, and will defeat any noob. Expert players will still whip you, though -- they have imagination and flexibility that computer players don't.

    That said, try setting up multiple computer opponents, and don't allow alliances. That will give you a chance to build up a tech base without them simply targetting you. That may give you enough experience with resource management, control, and tactics to take on the computer players one-on-one.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    It's harder playing against humans because humans can make adjustments as they play the game. If one strategy isn't working, he can try a different strategy. Humans also have creative uses for their characters. Every human has a different playing style so what works against one opponent isn't going to work against another opponent.

    AI is faster because it doesn't have to point and click to build units. It's already programmed. Human have to select the building, then click on the unit to build or you can hotkey, but it's still not as fast as a computer.

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