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Tom S
Lv 7
Tom S fragte in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

If conservatives hate socialism, why do repubicans support Social Security,?

Medicare, publicly funded education, and other socialistic aspects of our current society? No republican will oppose Social Security, in fact they defend it tooth and nail, yet it is Socialism. Is this not a contradiction?

23 Antworten

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    It's funny to hear republican politicians try to support Medicare and SS while demonizing the federal gov. in the same breath. It has lead to some hilarious interviews. Do a search on Medicare and GOP Chairman Micael Steele. Priceless. In regard to SS, thank god that wasn't privatised. How would that have turned out after the fall of '08?

    Repulicans have also backed some of the most "socialist" tax policies in America. Reagan instituted the earned income credit, Palin had Alaska's tax profits rebate.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    They will call it necons & rhinos but all of their legislators will get it passed. They take turns on who is going to opt out each time the vote.

    Look how they passed the Medicare Part D. They gave all the money to the insurance companies, they made no provision to pay for it other than put in on credit by borrowing from other countries, which in essence is passing the debt to future generations, yet no-one said a thing. It passed, with a filibuster.

    It is a shame that they will continue to support the Party that is quietly saying I will give you advantages because of your unwavering support, even when it will not help our country.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Give me ALL the money I payed into it RIGHT NOW and I will opt out.......what say you? Do you have the guts to let go of nanny governments hand? I don't think so!

    Social Security existed when I was born......I never had a say about it. I have payed into the system for years ( against my will ).......why should I leave the money to a parasite like you?

    Oh, and for the other services you claim are Socialist:

    public education ( social engineering program) ...No thanks! my children go to a private school

    post office....LOL yeah who really uses that inefficient agency

    police...why bother? they show up after the crime is committed anyway..Im armed ( heavily ) so I don't need them

    fireman....let my house burn down...I will just buy another

    medicare...bloated government run agency that probably wont exist by the time I am old enough to get on it.....I have my own overpriced health insurance.

    need I go on or do you except your epic failure at projection?

    Quelle(n): Libertarian
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Social security is not socialist, it is self funding.

    Everyone pays the exact same payroll tax, and benefits are based on how much you payed in.

    Medicare is also a self funding program, Everyone pays the exact same payroll tac for medicare.

    Schools are funded at the local county and state level, not the federal level.

    The new health care bill, will not be self funded, it will cost a trillion dollars in general tax revenue.

    And that's the difference.

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  • molkey
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Was it not Bush who wanted to privatize Social Security, but it was the Democrats who stopped it. Public education is run by the city's or the county's, not our government, get your facts right.

  • jdm
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Who do YOU know? I don't know of any "republicans" that support that scheme to essentially pilfer money from the American public under the guise of a "retirement" or old-age insurance.

    Again though, I don't feel that honest, fiscally conservative people want to dismantle all social programs. I believe that people understand the need and know that it can't always work for everyone, but the inefficiency, corruption and lack of transparency allow money to leak through the cracks without ever being detected, OR, without ever making it to the people that it's meant to help. THAT'S where the major disconnect is with the social programs and the gripes from the right about them.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    We hate social security. It's an idiotic system that never should have existed. People would be better off having put their money in a savings account.

    But, we also accept the fact that we're stuck with it. Too many people have been forced to contribute to it as their only means of income for their retirement. And we can't stop payments into it, because the system has been looted and would fail the second we stop.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    We don't. Let the people who paid in it collect and the others receive a refund based on amount paid. Then disassemble it or allow an opt-out program.

    When the people who opt-in's money is gone, too bad. No further funding from outside this program.

    Most conservatives I have heard agree it is the biggest ponzi scheme ever created.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Socialism can mean a wide range of things: an insult, a political ideology, government control...

    I gotta disagree about Social security being socialist, I know what's socialism, and that's not. No offense :D.


  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Most republicans would love to scrap SS, but don't have the stones to say it out loud.

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