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Can you remember as growing up?

That your parents as you grown up are use your complete name with stern voice if you going into trouble? If i hear from mum or dad my first, middel and my familyname i know that i walking on thin ice.

Yesterday i was to visit by my parents and my daddy use to spoke it to me, it was for fun but i sit up just a soldier if a general came to visit *lol*

Please share your memorys :-)

3 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    My Mom never did use our full names when she was mad..I have 2 brothers..All my Mom had to do was give you "that look" when you seen "that look" you knew whatever you was doing wrong, you had better stop or else you was getting in major trouble when you got home..My Mom was very strict about us acting civilized when company was over or when we was out in town.. We could act silly all day long at our own house, but we better not dare do it in

    I use to call my kids by their full names when they was on thin ice-- BUT i never master "that look"--lol

  • GREG
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    My Mom still uses the full name but at least now I am not in trouble. Nowadays there are ice cream trucks all over the damn place but can anyone remember the donut man? He would drive around in a helms truck full of pasteries and donuts. It was the best as a kid. I also remember staying out after dark and not having to worry about being robbed or mugged.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    every time i hear elton johns crocodile rock song i start to laugh because when i was a teen age it came out on a 45 record i played it over and over till my mom came in to my room and took the record and broke it she said i cannot take it any more (that la la la la part she meant) she passed away when i was 18 yrs old i am now 48 and still laugh when i hear that song even if i did not think it was very funny at the time it is now a fond memory of my mother

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