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Undertaker vs Cm Pink Fair or not?

LAst night on ppv, Undertaker did The hell gate on Cmp punk and won, then Teddy Long came in and said it was banned, and the match went on... Then cm Punk did a finisher on Undertaker and won. Underetaker DID NO tap out, how did Cm Punk win? any help please???


WEll srry, my laptop is old, and medded up with the keybord

Update 2:


3 Antworten

  • Beste Antwort

    it's called the 'montreal screwjob'

    a similar thing happened years back with bret hart and shawn michaels

    bret won the match and vince came out and said the match wasn't over. sound familiar? and shawn pinned but bret kicked out and the ref said that shawn still won. very familiar? it sucks but that's what happened. it's gonna happen in montreal for some reason. teddy wanted to follow vince's footstpes to prove himself and keep his job.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Total crap. Sick of seeing the taker get the shaft all the time. The man's been with WWE for years time to give him some title time, and more than a week or two. BTW, love the mistype. CM Pink, unknowingly you got it right!!!

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    not fair

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