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boys, parents, punishment? do u think this fair?

parents are gone, and it was me, sis, bro.. around 7:30-8 o'clock.. we was about to go in the house, (even though we're not suppose to be out) but my boy friends showed up, i said hi, bye, that type of stuff, them we (me sis, bro) WENT INTO THE HOUSE, BUT I HAD TO FINISH MY CHORES IN THE back yard, i guess the boys heard me and decided to kumm baq there, so we began talking agin.. (about5, mins) then my STEP-MOM pulled up, (around8) the 2boys hid, but we weren't doin anything, just talking, and its not like i called them back there, its just like, wrong place at the wrong time...then my STEP-MOM, started bugging, making it into a big deal, she then called my dad, when he came home from work, he "SNAPPED" ant grounded me 4 a month, but my b-day is in a week.. ugh, my step mom, made it into a big deal, over doin it, like Always, so now im onn punishment nd stuff, ugh she is so annoying..! do u think that's fair ooh, nd the boys hid behind the trash cans, idk, y..! but yea, i don't think that was fair, would it be different if it was females? who cares, i knw i did not do anything wrong... wdut

3 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    They shouldn't have makes it seem like they KNEW they shouldn't be there and were trying to sneak around. If they had stayed visible, you could have simply explained to her that you were doing yardwork and they came around the back, and you were trying to get them to leave, but she came home before you could.

    Hiding looks BAD.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    It's just because they were boys and they hid instead of just standing there if it were girls I do thinkitwould have been different just wait a day and talk to your dad make sure your step mom is gone whenyou do it :) that walshe can't but in. Talk to him and try toexplain they paniced and there a little stupid ahaha

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Think about your step-mum she is trying to discipline you so that later on you don't give her attitude later. And everyone in this situation is right ur dad just went with what she told him.

    Good Luck and God bless :)

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