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I had the BEST night of my LIFE !

Have u ever been to a JB concert.....where !?

Oh My Frankie Jonas Nick touched my hand at the catwalk, I didnt cry LOL I am not 2 :P so...............I am so Frankie HAPPY ! I havent washed my hands since last night at the concert :D JK that is the forst thing I did when I got home :D cause thyey were dirty and i waited outside and Joe came out to his tour was so quick....10 seconds and my twin was really close only 2 feet away wow haha


What is ur fav song by them ?

If u went to the July 8th concert e-mail me

and what is ur favorite animal ? :D


it was July 8th, last night ! :D

7 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    WOOO urs is over. i still have mine yet to come :D WOO. haha im so excited only a month and a half. im waiting pateintly lol :)

    all u mean people can shut up.


    u touched nicks hand ): nO Fair...nick touched ur hand ):

    my fav song is turn rite from the new album and my fav animal is a elephant :D

  • Lucky you...

    Yes, I have. Last year, in the U.S. (I'm not telling you where).

    I love all their songs, but my favorites (off their new album) are Fly With Me, Turn Right, Poison Ivy, Black Keys, Paranoid, Much Better, Keep It Real, World War III, and Before The Storm.

    My favorite animal (at the moment) is a cow. But I like cats, dogs, horses, hippos, lions, and tigers.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Ahh sounds like you both had lots of fun!

    My fav Jonas brothers song right now is world war III, but they have soo many good ones it changes all the time! XP

    My favorite animal is a Dog -Pug. =D


  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    i can imagine how it could be the best night of your life lol

    wow your so lucky nick touched you!!

    i'd be freaking out if that happened to me!

    my favorite song right now is black keys :D

    i've never been to one of their concerts :(

    but maybe if i dont get in trouble my mom will let me go to the one on august 13th :D

    i hope its not too late to get tickets.... :P

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  • A
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    wow glad you liked it ,sounds super fun ,I really love Video Girl ,My Fave animal it a Morgan my cat .

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Like anyone really gives a fu(k.

    You got to see the 3 queer brothers in concert, amazing.

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