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czardas145 fragte in HealthDental · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

why can I see the tooth implant in my gum?

I just got back from the dentist where I got my first tooth implant. I am not really happy, the preliminary tooth looks fine but I'm concerned about that very detailed I can see the pre-formed post shining through my gum. To me it looks like I have a brown ring under my gum. Everybody tells me that this will go away and it looks like this right now because it was done 2 hours ago. The gum will rebuild and then everything will look fine. I'm really desperate!

1 Antwort

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Did the dentist place a healing cap on it?

    Sometimes they do it in the 2nd phase and then the gums heal around it beautifully concealing all the discoloration.

    Relax, it will be taken care of.

    However, you can just call him up and express your concerns:)

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