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In your childhood or teenage years?

What was the worst spanking you ever got and was it deserved

11 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    I think all my spankings was worse but i remind one me well of a day i was 12 years old at that I threw a stone after a horse and encountered this also. I do it omly i was in anger about anything. My Mum see it and wow she beat me. I sleep at my Belly at this night.

    It was harsh sometimes i think to harsh but i deseve a spanking to.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    My very last spanking was my worst, at age 12. I had been skipping classes in 7th grade, hiding in the bathroom for at least 3 classes every day. When my folks found out, I got a spanking and was grounded for a long time. My pride was hurt, but I never skipped a class ever again.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    When I was around 12+, I had a sitter who was 17-18 and lived nearby, taking care of me and a girl a couple years younger. She had been kind and tolerant so far, but one day I came home over half an hour late, and she had been calling around, and she asked her mother what to do, and when her 8+ year old sister heard the answer, she walked over to our house. When I got home, she said "Now we're all going to learn who's in charge", and the others were giggling. I got it on the spot, and her mother must have used the words "of his life" !! She later, a while after she had finished, said she wouldnt tell on me, and I told her I had gotten the message. Deserved? Well...I knew the rules, and I knew she'd be upset. I was stupid.

  • Erika
    Lv 4
    vor 5 Jahren

    Teenage years are extra acceptable than young ones because of the fact extra issues ensue and suggestions of stripling years can final your finished existence, on a similar time as maximum problems with young ones dim with passage of time, because of the fact they're in simple terms no longer significant. while i grow to be a teen, I marched in Jack Kennedy's inaugural parade and that i commit it to memory like it got here about final month. I remember the practice holiday to Washington and lower back and staying interior the lodge and ingesting foodstuff there. Regards, Dan

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I got some pretty bad ones, but they all scared the crap out of me. My dad used a belt, which is mostly why I hate leather belts to this day. But I don't think any child deserves a spanking. It's one thing to give them a little pat on the butt. And by "pat," I seriously mean a pat. But there's nothing to be gained from spanking. Also, I disagree with anyone who thinks it's "discipline"... it's abuse.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I ate a telephone wire to the car phone. YES the old school car phones. I had to get an x-ray of the wire and everything. I was old enough to know better. I got in big trouble. I was spanked and I turned out amazing today. I'm still here to type and communicate. It's not traumatic. Just discipline.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Yes I was spanked. They were ALL the worst- as each time I was hit- my pride, dignity and insides hurt. Spanking only teaches shame and fear. It does not teach discipline.

    Being hit by parents is never deserved.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I was never spanked, but my partner often was, and has a scar from it. I don't think spanking achieves anything, other than making your children fear you.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    i used to get a lot until i turned about 11 but now i'm 13. hmmm, i never really thought i deserved them.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    my mom just kept whipping and acted like she didn't want to stop. my baby brother came in the room and started crying "mom stop". i guess it hurt my heart more (though it did have physical pain) cause my mom had never got me like that b4. i started hyperventilating. you tell me if it was deserved. her boyfriend put my dad in jail, and i told her " he put dad in jail im gonna put him in jail even if i have to lie on him". i was 15 yrs old

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