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Can you roll your R's in German instead of the throat R's ?! & What does dagegen mean?

My first language was spanish so it easier for me to just roll the R's. But if that's not a way you can do it in German i want to know, so i can just keep practicing my R's the throat way.

So can you roll your R's in German ? Or is that wierd in German? BTW: What does dagegen mean ? Thanks.


Sorry i didnt mean throat R's. I just ment how Germans do the R's with the back of their throat. I can't really explain it, i hope you know what i mean ?

4 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    You can and do roll your r's in German, but not to the extent where you sound like a pirate (arrrrrrrrrrrrrr).

    I am not sure what you mean by throat r's, but I was taught that Germans roll their r's, but shortly, so the word continues to flow.

    Dagegen means a number of things: opposed to it, against it, by contrast. I would really need to see the context to have a clearer idea what it means there.

    Quelle(n): studied German, teach German, click on the "Deutsch-Englisch, Englisch--Deutsch" link for a pretty good dictionary and forum for words.
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I'm native and even then I have problems with rolling the R.

    ...oh wait...rolling the Rs doesnt have something to do with being native or not!!! There are many who can't

    When someone rolls the Rs.. people might associate you as a racist since Hitler rolled them xD I dont want to offend you in a way...just want to mention it.

    But noone will call you weird for doing this.

    Urm...How to explain how Germans do this with throat? >.<

    Press your tongue upwards...just abit

    and then breath out xD

    Something like this! But accents are dont have to pronounce it like the Germans!

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    don t roll 'r's in german!

    dagegen means "as opposed to"

    or if it used together with sein...

    dagegen sein means to be opposed to (sthg.)

    or simply to be against something.

  • ..
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    i was wondering the same thing...i dont know the answer though


    and the pirate thingy..the arrrrrrr..yeah you don't roll your r's when you say arrrrr haha..try roll your r's when you say carro


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