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Tokio Hotel [FANS/Family]...have you ever thought of getting...?

Have you ever thought of getting a tattoo that had something to do with Tokio Hotel !?

Maybe the Tokio Hotel logo, a lyric from their song, Bills face :D hahah

just curious !


Albie: No one else sais it because it's just a Tokio Hotel thing. We consider all of their fans a big 'ol family :)

32 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    I have always wanted a Tokio Hotel tattoo for so many reasons. I know half the people who are reading this are thinking WTF WHY? YOU'RE CRAZY! Well their lyrics have helped me out so much in life and just become a better person in general. Over the past 8-9 months i've seen a change in myself (a good change) and i'm thinking it's mostly because of them. And yeah when i'm like 85 years old i'll probably look at the tattoo and regret it.. but it would remind me and take me back to being a teenager again and loving Tokio Hotel. If i do ever get one it will probably be lyrics, Bill's star, or the TH logo =) Good question!

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Yes! Many times, I am underage at the moment so I am going to wait til im a little older so I can work out the best lyrcis to put on :]

    I want to put some german lyrics maybe on my back shoulder or my front hip, I definitely want to get at least a tiny one, so that I never forget them or how much they've influenced me.

    Even though I don't need a tattoo to do that...

    But yeah, I have always wanted to do something like that because their lyrics have helped me so much it's insane, and I don't care if I'm 85 and wrinkly that tattoo wont be a regret, it will simply be a reminder of something that has made me so happy over the years, enough to get it inked into my skin :]

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Well... I don't really like needles at all... so I don't think that I could get a tattoo unless someone knocked me out first... lol

    But if I did I would get the lyrics to one of their German songs. That way if I ever stopped liking Tokio Hotel (not likely to happen), then I could tell people that it meant something else.

    haha... just kidding. If I got a tattoo of some of TH's lyrics in German I wouldn't deny what they meant. All of their lyrics are awesome.

  • Anna
    Lv 5
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Yes,I was thinking of one day getting the Tokio Hotel logo or maybe lyrics to one of their songs

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  • vor 5 Jahren

    1) The first song/video by Tokio Hotel that I saw/heard was Rescue Me and I've loved them ever since =) 2) Yes they have had a huge/positive impact on my life. I have discovered so many new things and there are so many little things that I've learned because of them. Star!!

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    You know I've never really thought of getting But I'd be too scared.I bet tatoos hurt like h*ll and I'm not really a fan of Piercings I wouldn't mind but I think tatoos would REALLY BUT if I did get one a small Tokio Hotel logo would be pretty cool.Maybe I could get it on my ankle or

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Yeah, I'm thinking about having the TH logo tattooed on my hip. The only thing is the pain, and hiding the fact I have a tattoo from my parents. I'd love to have Bill tattooed on me, I always look at a picture of him every morning, It makes me happy for the rest of the day.

  • gooch
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    yes i am going to

    i'm getting "i'll never stop screaming" (part of Bill's but in english) probably in a similiar font to his bc i LOVE it

    i'm not that into tattoo's bc i'm one of those people who are like "that hurts so why would i do it?"

    it's just that tokio hotel helped me out of depression so they really had a HUGE impact on me

    and if i really am a huge fan for the rest of my life i'll get the logo

  • ..
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    you know i do plan on getting a tattoo when i hit the big ONE which will be next year!

    but to get the TH logo is going to far..well i think

    but their lyrics helped me soo much and they have touched my heart

    they made me cry!

    they mean a lot to me

    i want something special

    something meaning ful you know

    i don't want just some random crap thats pointless

    i always thought of getting part of the song Heilig..just like the "forever sacred part"

    or hilf mir fliegen!!!!

    im really concidering those

    i might come up with a design or something

    my parents are going to kill me if they see it but hey my body i can do it if i want..besides it is going to mean a lot to me

    my friend calls me a rebel child cuz i plan on doing this whether my parents like it or not!

    they might not even know about it *wink wink*


    good question!

    i i wish i could triple star this!

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I've been considering getting a tattoo for awhile now so yeah it might be nice getting a small TH tattoo somewhere, but it will still be awhile before I ever get a tattoo though!

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