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What would you do when your child make this?

At evening our two daughters make herself ready for bedtime (with a littelbit help from me). While our 8y old climb in her pyamapants and stay off one leg my 5 year old upsetted her Sister and she strikes with the head against a closet door and hurts itself also firm.

I will say that we have a nice Day bevore and the Sisters dont have disputes or quarrel and I had also no occasion to scold one of hers.

My 8years old crys and have a bump. What will you do with your littel daughter when you was in my Situation?


Edit: @ Joce

I dident say that i dont punisht her. And sorry for my english i know it is not the best.

Update 2:


Sure Siblings fight (ohhh yes lol) but today my oldest do absolut nothing, only the younger "hit"

6 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Hi Rudolf

    What is your rule for acting up like your daughter do? Have you a clear rule in your House and she knows the rule than i think it was the best way when you punisht her directly and not after a Question and a couple off answeres here in yahoo. For your Question, when she was my daughter then she earned a god spanking.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    In our Hushold my Husband and I have the rule that the only Persons who is allowed to hit the Parents are. When my daughter do some like yours i will scoldding her and than she get a spanking from me or my Husband.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Talk about it. Ask her, there is a jealousy going on or something. If it is just a once in a lifetime thing, just tell her it is wrong but it is probably something bottled up for a while. Siblings act out, my boys go at it all the time.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I don't even the question... difficult to understand. But I'm assuming your 5 year old did something to make her older sister cry and you never punish your kids- which is needed here because kids need to know that hurting each other isn't acceptable.

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Siblings fight, it is just human. When they do fight seperate them and make them both sit in a time out spot seperate from each other.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    make her wear a helmet at bedtime

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