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If you were a pregnant lesbian teen what state would you be in?

15 Antworten

  • Antdak
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    State of Shock!

    Since I am a 48 yr old gay male!

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt


    State of shock and state of confusion are awesome answers...

    Since would a lesbian be pregnant?

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I have a very close friend in this exact position. After a drunken mistake with a gay guy friend.

    She's strangely accepted it and is happy she has the chance to have a child herself because she thought she never would.

    I would be a mess.

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    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    W Virginia

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  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    State of Denial.

    She would be wondering now "how in the world did this happen"?!

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I'd be in a state where lesbians are commonly raped...some where in the deep south.

    How sad. :[

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Total shock since i would never sleep with a man lol

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I'd be in a state of confusion.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I would be in the state of confusion............

    I am a straight

    59 year old Grandma♥

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    State of denial...

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