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I need help w/ a creative writing project?(10 points)?

i have to write about my middle experience like :

how have changed,

what lessons i've have learned,

what you wish to share with others about middle school and

which memories you will take w/ u to high school

ok so you can be creative as you want just as long u can include the above things.

i was thinking like Skydiving/freefalling

You feel out of control, excited and scared at the same time.

And you have no idea where you'll end up for sure

any other ideas

and how should i incoraprate it with the guidelines

thanks :)

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    vor 5 Jahren

    this will rely on what share copies your e book sells and additionally the size of your advance. that's a stable thought to have an agent who can negotiate a greater appropriate deal for you. In my abode united states, Australia, royalties are historically ten p.c. of all revenues, paid to the author in March and September of each 3 hundred and sixty 5 days. The reviews of individual authors interior the industry selection. The reviews of people who've already replied this question would possibly no longer inevitably be the comparable as yours. some author do, in fact, write a known novel that's a appropriate broker - merely ask JK Rowling, Stephanie Meyer, Stephan King. yet for each a variety of authors there is likewise a Madeleine Wickham - who wrote seven books till now finding far greater desirable advertisement fulfillment writing as Sophie Kinsella. yet advertisement fulfillment is troublesome. My suggestion? artwork troublesome and do in no way permit anybody permit you recognize "no".

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