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I need help with a creative writing project? (10 points)?

i have to write about my middle experience like :

how have changed,

what lessons i've have learned,

what you wish to share with others about middle school and

which memories you will take w/ u to high school

ok so you can be creative as you want just as long u can include the above things.

i was thinking like Skydiving/freefalling

You feel out of control, excited and scared at the same time.

And you have no idea where you'll end up for sure

any other ideas

and how should i incoraprate it with the guidelines

thanks :)

2 Antworten

  • Beste Antwort

    I would say some fun memories of you and your friends, cool events, like going to a concert of something like that. Maybe wrote about some life changing experiences, funny memories or nice memories about your family, fun trips you've been on, etc.

    I hope I helped!

    Quelle(n): I love creative writing and (not to brag) am pretty creative.
  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    i think of the appropriate inventive undertaking you're able to do is do what's on your suggestions and make eye-catching tha way you like, using fact which you are able to say that is eye-catching beacause you probably did your appropriate!!!!!!

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