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One gets exactly the condition, happenings and things what is the best and that much and in the right moment?

Since I have taken this attitude, my life has changed significantly. Anybody out there who has a similar experience? How did you come to this new attitude that is so much different than the usual? What is the result to the growth of yourself in general and specifically?


JMAN: What is it you don't understand of my question? I can't know just from the many ????? Something must be of interest in my question otherwise you would not post here, right?

Update 2:

To Berto: You want that I rephrase the question. Oh boy I will try: In ones life one has certain expectations, right? This expectations are fed by being programmed from society. If the happening in ones daily life doesn't meet with ones expectations, then one is happy or disappointed, right? So mostly disappointed, because reality doesn't meet ones dreams, concepts and self image. One is always looking for the ideal conditions and then when one believes that one find it, then it turns out that it is not, then being frustrated and continuing... But when one changes ones attitude and expectation and believes that whatever shows up in ones life at this present moment, that this is exactly the condition one needs as a challenge so that one can learn and grow. To get out of ones old and maybe worn out pattern, then this happening or this encounter can be creative and one doesn't need to defend oneself and continue getting stuck in ones old straight jacket of established concepts... Right?

5 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    To understand this question one needs at least to have realized that how one relates and responds to what shows up in ones daily life depends on ones own conditioning. One needs to be aware of the fact that one is conditioned, the knowledge about it is not enough as long one is totally identified with ones concepts, beliefs, opinions, dreams, hopes, wishes and especially with ones self image that mostly is strongly established and that is seen as ones 'personality'. One needs to be aware of the fact that one is conditioned by growing up in this society, receiving education and all the influences that are not yet filtered by a critical mind that knows about the manipulation that is going on and is part of human nature. In the momentary state of evolution of humankind, that is every thing else than 'advanced' even though people like to see it like this, - in this still primitive state every thing turns around ones 'personality' and every body strives to fulfil images that come out of the common consciousness. So people are running after goals and are struggling and fighting to reach these, with the longing to be fulfilled and happy. But it doesn't work. After getting tired, one might come to the state not wanting to go for goals that obviously are an illusion and then one might surrender and just live the moment and what shows up. Then being able to see that one attracts situations and people, still not knowing why this happens. But slowly one learns that it has to do with oneself... And then one might realize that happenings around oneself make sense and that these are lessons to learn something about oneself. One can observe that ones own energy is influencing ones surrounding...

    Then there might come the moment when one can accept whatever is there, without the usual need to react: Out of defense rejecting, to keep ones established self image or to agree, having a good feeling, because it confirms oneself. Then one will be able to observe ones reactions and understand from where these are coming from and that is the moment when one can be aware that one is conditioned and that this has been limiting oneself in ones way one was relating and responding to life in all aspects. With this one will gain a new attitude and welcome whatever shows up and understand this as a lesson in ones growing and healing process...


  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    That's what I have been asking myself since quite some time ago. It is obvious that ones attitude in relation to daily happenings is influencing how one can deal with it and that will determinate the result.

    I have experienced this especially with people. It depends in what kind of mood I am, then people are reacting differently and that confirms me in this present state. So to get out of it I need to be aware of my state first and then do a conscious step...

    Interesting question and I will reflect more about it and I'm looking forward to the answers coming in here.


  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    It's a good observation you made about the system of life that we are in. This is all for the purpose of realizing our fullest potential. We all are born in the world with our primary nature which is bound by our self concern. In our life we are given the exact dose of the exact quality of disturbance that matches the portion of desire that we are given. The work is to redirect this desire from selfish use toward positive use. This means we must change the use of our "cup of fulfilment" to be for another's fulfilment. In our effort to fulfill our self, we come to discern many things about our self, as well as discernments about who and what we aspire to be like. We must always aim our self for the higher goal whereby a mutual bond of love becomes apparent between two or more "separate" souls. The happiness one feels is derived from the happiness one feels through the other, and the feeling of fulfilment one feels is the gift one gives to a beloved friend who wishes that fulfillment to be there with all his/her heart. Every supposed enemy of our quest for fulfillment in life, is in fact, a friend in disguise who uncovers for us the truth of our nature, and generates in us a higher kind of desire which is to refine, and improve, and attain the status of the giving nature which continues to grow and expand as well as increase our inner feeling of happiness exponentially.

    When I found a way to study this system of our world and the purpose for this life, that is when I discovered how to happily embrace this life, and be grateful for all the means that brings adherence to the goal of our creation in this life, while on this Earth, while in this body. We will advance either unconsciously by the pain and suffering caused by our mistakes or we can choose to do it consciously by embracing the means of change willingly and happily on the path of light. Congratulations to you for the discovery you have made and I wish you all the best for even greater discoveries to come.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    that makes no sense please restate ur question...some punctuation maybe

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