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Will you be seeing "A Haunting in Connecticut"?

Do you believe it's really "based on a true story"?

If so, what do you think about the anecdotal evidence of the current owners who claim the place isn't haunted at all?

Apparently Ed and Lorraine Warren, the two responsible for the Amityville Horror hoax, were at one time associated with this place. As with every one of their investigations they found positive evidence of a haunting. But, naturally, Lorraine claims the place was spirtually cleaned in 1988, thus wiping out the haunting.

I feel so sorry for the current owners. You just try to mind your own business, living in a beautiful old house, only to have a bunch of wackos trespassing and peeking in your windows. It might be time to buy a 12 gauge and some rock salt.

12 Antworten

  • John
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    No. I do like a good supernatural story or creature feature, but supposed haunted reenactments bore me silly. It might be "based on a true story", but that probably just means that the story was inspired by supposed events. In other words, it's still complete fiction.

    I was amused by the news story I heard on the current owners and how they have a real haunting on their hands -- being haunted by tourists, onlookers and amateur ghost hunters. They erected a No Trespassing sign but are still having problems. They have reported no strange happenings since they moved in. Not surprising.

  • Dr. NG
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I'm sure I'll eventually see it. Whether in the Movies or at home, I haven't decided. These movies based on true stories can be tricky. They can be classics like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, good like the two Amityville flicks (not the sequels), and horrible like An American Haunting. Yeah sure, the Warrens are disreputable and kind of creepy. Still, the book by Jay Anson and the movies were pretty darn good. I'm a horror fan, I enjoy horror whatever it's source.

    While I get a kick out of the wackos that take "based on a true story" literally. They really should leave the people living in the houses alone. These Ghostorazzi should be handled with a 12 gauge filled with sage seeds.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I will be going to see this movie and yes I do think it is "loosely" based on a true story. If you have watched the Discovery Channel's "A Haunting In Connecticut" (it is available at movie stores now too) I think that is a lot closer description of what the people actually experienced or believed they were experiencing. From the previews I have seen of the movie it looks like it has added some details that were not originally in the TV show to "beef" it up a little to get people in to the theaters. Again, both the TV show and the movie are just based on the reports from what they people "believed" they were experiencing. Whether or not you believe their experiences to be should at the least be interesting...or a good movie!

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I think it is based on a true story from the perspective of the fears of the people involved. The TV show "A Haunting..." episode "In Connecticut" is the same story as the movie, from my understanding.

    In my opinion there was a lot of fear, children having nightmares based on one older child feeding stories to the younger ones. Like many of the episodes of "A Haunting" there didn't seem to be much in the story that convinced me that there was anything paranormal going on. If you listen to the story, and ignore the overly dramatic recreations by thinner, prettier actors, you get a real sense of what is going on.

    edit: Sorry, I didn't answer. Yes I am looking forward to it, but I probably wont go to the theater to see it.

    I am betting the movie adds quite a few fictional elements to it.

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  • i feel sorry for them too! As a paranormal investigator by semi-profession, I dont go snooping abandoned, or private properties. We generally have people contact US (because they saw us on TV or the newspaper or at an event somewhere) and then we set up a day, time, sign contracts, the whole works.

    I would never, ever advise simply showing up and gawking at someones home just because you saw it in a movie. Besides...hollywood ghosts are laughable compared to the real thing. Either what you experience is fairly subtle and at best, annoying, or it's a sickening, cold, "evil" feeling that terror doesnt even come close to touching with a ten foot pole. I cant say I ever saw a zombie, or murderous ghost, in my lifetime.

    And to tourture these people because of a movie?? Get a life, people!

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I first heard this story about 10 years ago when the discovery channel first launched the "A Haunting" series. It scarred the hell out of me. I love scary movies but I will not be seeing this one. The house wasn't haunted by a spirit, the son became possessed by a demon. The catholic church got involved and performed a cleansing, but if I remember correctly the son remains in an institution.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I believe movies like The Haunting In Connecticut and others like it are based on true stories but they get somewhat exaggerated to make them more scary to the viewers.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    It i probably based on a true story like hollywood movies are. Hollywood takes one incident or man and then by the time all the writers use their Imagination the true story is so hidden you would never know.

  • vor 5 Jahren

    Yeah, that must have been real hard for you.... What time was it on? Was it a special or is it a series? You have to admit that ghost stories and the like are entertaining, and that's what the Discovery Channel, TLC, etc. are going for. Its not the science validity channel.

  • Deenie
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Can't believe that's what they named it. They probably would make more money if they had come up with a spookier name..something more original.

    No..I don't go to the movies... popcorn is too expensive these days. But you know me...when it comes out on DVD I'll rent it. Hope it's not the samo samo.

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