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Is there any reason to think cattle "mutilation" is unnatural?

The vast majority of cases appear to follow a pattern that is consistent with natural or predatory death--splitting hides caused by post-mortem bloating and parasitic consumption of soft tissues like the anus, testicles, eyeballs, tongues, lips, ears, udders, etc.

This is not to say there is only one cause for ALL such cases. Perhaps many cattle died natural deaths or were taken down by predators, but it's possible there were some human hands involved.


I see nothing which indicates humans are involved in the typical mutilation case.

Update 2:

"Radiation and Prions"? Says who?

5 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    I'd like to know what countries other than America have a problem with cattle mutilation?

    If I google "cattle mutilation Australia" the majority of sites are about dehorning and castration.

    Or are aliens (or whatever wacky thing is supposedly doing this) selective about the nationality of the cows they carve up?

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    There are too many variations really be able to attribute all cattle "mutilations" to one cause. Most are consistent with the natural workings of insects and natural decomposition .A few (according to an investigation aired on the Discovery Channel) have some characteristics that cannot be pinned down; but to make the assumption that these are done by "little green men from outer space" is too much of an assumptive leap; reflecting mostly wishful thinking and leaps of faith, than of any actual facts.

  • John
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Not that I can tell. The FBI, when they did investigate, did not conclude that there was anything "unnatural" going on either. The conclusion seemed to be animal predation and some possible human activity. There has been a lot of claims about these mutilations, e.g., complete loss of blood, strange looking organs, apparently sharp incisions, etc., but there are also explanations for these as well which went largely ignored by those insisting on some more fanciful explanation (see link from skepdic and NSF below). I do think for any after-the-fact investigation of messy events such as this you'll always find things you don't have ready explanations for. That's never a good excuse to starting thinking it's "unnatural". This is a good example of the very common fallacious reasoning where "unexplained" somehow gets transformed to "unnatural" or "paranormal" or "supernatural".

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I agree, i think it is possible most cattle mutilations are natural causes. I personally reject the idea of aliens doing this not because I don't believe in spaceships and extraterrestrials but because I don't think a race of people so far advanced then we are would be going around and mutilating cattle.

    I also reject the idea that devil worshipers are doing this because the so called devil worshipers are just pagans and Wiccans and we do not even believe in the devil much less worship him. Even the few Satanists I know don't go around mutilating cattle because that is not what they are about. Pagan religions are legal religions protected under the freedom of religion. yes some people call themselves pagan and do unlawful things in the name of their religion but they are few and far between. Christians also have weird isolated churches with weird beliefs that go against the law at times but those also are few and far between. Most religious people regardless of whether they are Christian or pagan are very lawful people and good neighbors.

    Now this is just my opinion but I think the rare cases of cattle mutilations that are committed by people are done to perpetrate a hoax of either aliens or devil worshipers.

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  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt;_ylt=Au...

    That's exactly what I've been talking about in the above question. And clearly many of these cases, including the recent ones, involve human hands. Which is why the FBI can't say they are all "solved".

    Quelle(n): EDIT: Then you couldn't possibly be reading the links inside the question I just posted above! TYPICAL? There is no "typical" mutilation case. EDIT: Radiation and Prions are unnatural. To completely ignore it and think it's all natural is unwise in my opinion, but hey, you're welcome to eat a side of beef. It's not insane for people to wonder about UFOs and Aliens because of the aircraft/ UFOs spotted nearby in a small number of cases. Not to mention the moving of the large body with zero tracks and the bloodless bodies. There are other strange anomolies and Linda Howe, with all her flaws, has certainly done some of her best work on this by interviewing witnesses & law enforcement and experts in biology, etc. But like I said, you can ignore it and eat a Mc Donalds burger.
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