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How big is/was Canada's influence in World's politics as one of the largest countries in the world?

Canada is a huge country, but how big is Canada's influence i n global decisions? Do smaller countries like Germany or France have a much more importnt vote? I would like to know what Canadians think about it....

2 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Canada isn't regarded as a 'world power' as it was in the past. This is probably due to the rapid change in world politics. The United States has been a world superpower for some time, and even influences much of Canadian politics.

    Countries like Germany and France do have a more important say, because they are linked by a larger European Union, the major power in Europe.

    China and India have a lot of influence because of their economic power (lots done for a cheap price) and massive populations.

    Can't forget Russia, either, because they are still a player, even though they have broken down from a much stronger Soviet Union.

    This being said, Canada is a member of the G-8, which are the 8 most developed countries in the world. But, the European Union is not a sitting member... The EU is a much more formidable force because it's a union of nations. Also, the developing economies of India and China aren't part of it either... but neglecting them as a 'world influence' would mean that you are just throwing away a third of the world's population.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    A recent poll ranks Canada as the country with the most positive influence in the world. 28,000 people in 27 countries were asked to rate 12 countries as either having a positive or negative worldwide influence. Canada’s overall influence rating topped the list with 54 per cent of respondents rating it mostly positive and only 14 per cent mostly negative.

    See the links below for additional information. Hope this helps.

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