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matthew fragte in HealthDiseases & ConditionsCancer · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

I joined a relay for life team and am fund raising money. I am wondering if anyone has great ideas that i?

could use to help with this, (like an event) or know anyone who has donated before and always looking to donate, or know of any business that donate, or if you yourself would like to donate... (relay for life is a cancer walk/run)

thanks for any input!


10 points to best answer or person who donates the most!!!

2 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Contact your local newspaper and tell them what you are doing. Maybe they're do a little write up on you and give them information on how they can contact you to donate to your efforts.

    If you email people a lot - make a signature with info on your relay for life and how they can donate.

    Make a website to direct people to donate (I believe you can do it through Relay for Life).

    Let your church know, and maybe they can post it in the monthly bulletin.

    Ask a local grocery store if you could set up collection cans at checkouts.

  • vor 5 Jahren

    I fairly have an incredible answer. As an self reliant representative i could be waiting that can assist you on your fundraising. the corporate that I artwork for has helped many companies around the rustic with elevating money for circumstances in simple terms like yours. It in simple terms demands touch with an self reliant representative, like me, to help. i visit actually be keen to help your organizationl with this situation.

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