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Jas B
Lv 7
Jas B fragte in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

BNP supporters do you know the people you support?

In recent weeks I have seen far more support for the BNP on Answers and denials that this party are fascist. Do you really know the people you are supporting?

Nick Griffin (Party Chairman) Given a two-year suspended sentence for inciting racial hatred. His magazine The Rune carried obscene anti-Semitic and Holocaust denial material.

Tony Lecomber (Group Development Officer). was convicted for offences under the Explosives Act, including possession of homemade hand-grenades and electronic timing devices. Sentenced to three-years imprisonment. also given three years for wounding a Jewish schoolteacher. total of 12 convictions.

Colin Smith (South East London organiser). 17 convictions for burglary, theft, stealing cars, possession of drugs and assaulting a police officer.

John Tyndall (founder of the BNP). Six convictions. jailed for organising a paramilitary organisation. then he was again sent to prison for possession of a loaded gun.

Warren Bennett (Chief Steward). Supposed to keep order in the party yet has convictions for football hooliganism.

Kevin Scott (North East Regional Organiser). convicted for hurling a glass at a black customer in a pub.

Alan Gould (Waltham Forest Organiser). convicted racially abusing people in a local pub.

Robert Bennett. A leading activist in Oldham BNP served five years in prison for the gang rape of a woman. also served seven years for armed robbery, has over 30 convictions in total.

Mick Treacy. The Oldham organiser has five convictions for violence, theft, and handling stolen goods

Darren Dobson. Found guilty of racially aggravated assault and has links to the nazi terror group Combat 18

Robert Cottage, former BNP candidate charged with possessing chemical substances under the Explosives Substances Act

Brian Turner BNP Councillor found guilty of a racially aggravated public order offence and common assault for beating up his wife

Paul Harris: Barnsley BNP council candidate. Convicted of

using threatening behaviour towards a pensioner.

Jason Douglas: leading BNP candidate.Convicted football hooligan.

Gary Mitchell: former Sunderland BNP secretary.Convicted of racist attacks and possession of offensive weaponry.

These are just some of the officials with criminal records, there are many more like this who are just members. Are these really people you want to give power?

4 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    BNP=British Nazi Party

  • vor 5 Jahren

    Of course but the problem is that there are no longer many Englishmen in it as Sceptic has quite rightly pointed out and that is becoming more and more worrying. ATB Red Edit Sceptic: I guess you deserve an answer but unfortunately not a yes or no answer as that does not explain why they are or not English. Take my dog Benjamen for example, he is a Labrador, Shela next door to me has a spaniel, and my niece (the hokey player) has just purchased a poodle. Ok Scep their all dogs but their different breeds of dog Scep. Tell me Scep if I continue to call my dog a Labrador because he is different to other dogs would you call me a racist? Should we get rid of these names that identify dogs and simply call a dog a dog and stop breeding them into their Pre determined groups? You see Scep that's why it is not so easy to just drop names like Saxon, Celt, Viking, Dane, Anglo. Anglo being the term used when one white European tribe Integrated with another to form the English. You see Scep, you can't just arrive into this country and be a part of evolution especially when the term English refers to a race of people. A Labrador is a Labrador, a Nigerian is a Nigerian and an Englishman is an Englishman no matter how you try to manipulate it (and you try as hard as anyone to do that). In my opinion there is a case for Theo Walcote because his mother was English he is Anglo, but Anglo what) Saxon, Jamaican? No Scep, unless there is Anglo Saxon in their blood they can't be called English. In fact it is insulting to the English to even suggest that a being born here simply makes you an Englishman, it does not? and colour has nothing to do with it. They must be content to be 'Black British'.Asian British and so on. Try calling a black man coloured Scep, No don't try it you will probably be struck down, a black person ls proud of being Black and this posses a problem for you as an Englishman is proud of being English and is insulted when you call a black man English. Respect is to allow the Black man to be Black and the Englishman to be English.. You know what Scep your obsession with colour is bordering towards blatant racialism. ATB Red

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    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Blah blah blah anti-semitism blah blah blah.

    That handy little bludgeon is losing its effectiveness, thanks to overuse.


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    vor 1 Jahrzehnt


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