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jimschem fragte in Entertainment & MusicMusicClassical · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

4 musical note questions - any musicians out there?

1. What is the lowest note that a musical instrument can play?

Example Answer: D flat, 4 octaves BELOW piano middle C.

2. What instrument(s) can play that low note?

3. What is the highest note that a musical instrument can play?

Example Answer: C sharp, 4 octaves ABOVE piano middle C.

4. What instrument(s) can play that high note?

4 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    if we're talking about standard orchestral instruments using standard playing techniques, all you need to do is look at the appendix in your orchestration textbook.

    with auxilury, historical, and ethnic instruments and extended techniques higher and lower notes are possible. I'll just give a few of them:


    I've seen an organ with a C below the lowest A on the piano.

    Using sub tones on a contra-bass flute you can get a half-step lower.


    On a double bass using a combination of false harmonics and overtone bowing I can play the F# an octave and a half above the highest C on the piano.

    If you look up Robert Dick's flute technique book he can eek out a D above the high C on the piano.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Look at this chart. There are better ones out there I'm sure, but this is the best I could find right now.

    Humans can hear between 20Hz and 20kHz but there are definately sounds out there beyond that range.

    As far as I know, Pipe organs and Basses can play lower than a piano, I think Pipe organs are the lowest.

    I believe Piccolos are probably the highest although a Violin can also top out around the same frequency.

    Really I guess a synthesizer can play the lowest note of all. You can program a synth to do anything you want really. You can make an oscillator play a 1Hz tone or a 25kHz tone if you want, but you won't be able to hear it, nor will a normal speaker be able to reproduce it.

    I hope that helps.

    Quelle(n): I'm a Recording Engineer and a Musician.
  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    1. the lowest I can think of is A. about 4 As below middle C on the piano

    2. the piano

    3. C. exactly four Cs after middle C on piano.

    4. the piano

    there may be other instruments that can play stuff even lower or higher but I doubt it. anything higher than the 4th C above middle C would probably be really hard to hear and anything below A 4 As below middle C would probably be way too deep and probably wouldnt sound too pleasant

    I know the guitar, flute and harp cant cover as many octaves as a piano. I heard the harp at most may have about 47 strings or so and for the guitar the lowest note would be the E or D(depending on the tunning) below middle C. as for the highest note on a guitar probably about 3 Cs above middle C

  • farful
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Here's a decent reference for different instruments and their range:

    In general, "piano" could be the correct answer for your questions.

    Another possibility is the pipe organ, which can go high as G9 (thirteenth higher than the piano's C8) and low as C0 (sixth lower than the piano's A0).

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