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RoteHexe fragte in SportsSwimming & Diving · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

Should Michael Phelps loose his endorsements?

Pictures of Michael Phelps smoking pot at a party in November made it into the press. Since he should be a role model for our youngsters, do you think he should loose his endorsement deals over that?


I am sorry, but I disagree, I "don't do it", my two sons "don't do it", and I know very many people who "don't do it" either.

And yes, there is one "o" too many in lose....but as I see, people understand it anyway!

12 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    first of all this picture was from November. dont you think if it was such a big deal, whoever took that photo would have leaked it sooner? like maybe the next day or something? phelps is an amazing guy with a high respect level. it was wrong none the less but he is ashamed and he admitted it. he owned up to it. its out in the open, hes taking the shame and blame for this. i dont think he should lose his endorsments for 1 smoke. if he continues this pattern of events then heck yes but since this is the first time hes been caught with drugs i dont think it should cost him that much. i think admitting you did something wrong and taking the shame and blame for it is being a good role model.

    let the punishment fit the crime.

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    Phelps is an idiot. Elite athletes should be more careful about what they ingest. Unless he grew it himself, how does he even know what's in the pot he was smoking? Up here in Canada, some folks are adding crystal meth to the mix to make it addictive and an addicted kid means a return customer. Wake-up call, kiddies...pot is illegal and, therefore, unregulated. Who knows what the growers are using to keep the bugs and aphids off the buds. Like every grow-op is organic...ha-ha-ha I imagine that hardware store spray bug killer, you know, the stuff that says POISON, is cheaper and less suspicious to buy than food grade pesticides. Again, unless you are growing your own, never assume the pot you smoke is *harmless*

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Mags, I live in Massachusetts and would like to remind you the decriminalization is only for possession. Smoking, growing, and selling marijuana is all still illegal. However, I agree with you to a certain point. Kids should not idolize a person like Michael Phelps. Kids should be themselves and not get wrapped up in their idol. Michael should be allowed to do what he wants, and not have parents blame him for ruining their children's lives. Second of all, if a kid is going to have an idol it should not be someone like Michael Phelps who hasn't made a single difference in the world. Kids should look up to people like Martin Luther King, for standing up to discrimination, or Mahatma Ghandi for staying non violent and still beating oppresion. Those are the types of people kids should look up to, not athletes.

  • Lil D
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    No. Its the parents responsibility to teach their children that Pot is bad, and that they shouldn't do it. Michael Phelps is an adult and can make his own decisions, but he should remember that he's in the public eye and that a picture could be taken at any time.

    And its "lose" not "loose"

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  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Since he was previously charged awhile back with DUI, absolutely YES! This shows a serious character flaw this man has. He is no role model.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Michael Phelps was doped, his records in Peking are illegal. But you cannot say anything against USA. Because then u r a crook and a gangster.

    He was not examined after EPO and not after Anabolika.

    A big lie as I guess.

  • woko51
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    smoking pot is not doping, is it?

    and just for failing to be a "role model", well not every kid is going to be a super swimmer

    Let those kids' parents be good enough for role models

    Quelle(n): oo: by the way: Germans here always write (to) LOOSE, on the other hand they write TO for TOO :-)
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    No, he shouldn't. One bad mistake. It isn't like we would make it on National News for it. Everyone does it, and he is just famous. Wrong place wrong time.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Absolutely NOT. Here in Massachusetts we just passed a law that decriminalizes weed. you can have up to an once on you and not get in trouble. So **** let him smoke screw the kids. It is up to there parents to make sure their kids are responsible

  • Abby S
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I don't think he should, but I think he will. Everyone makes mistakes and deserves a second chance.

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