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I have had dreams lately...about my grandfather?

I've had more or less the same dream 3-4 times. My grandfather in a church and I'm talking to him. I don't remember what is said but, I remember we're in the church. I'm grown like I am now, but he looks like he's healthy again. Like when I was little (maybe 8 or 9) but I am really confused by it. Each time we're in a different part of the church. First time towards the back (where the puppet room is), Second in the main sanctuary, and then towards the front. He's telling me something I know, but I never remember what was said. He passed away in 2004 so I can't go and ask him if he told me something and I'm just now remembering. Help!

2 Antworten

  • Tom R
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    psychics generally say that when someone who has passed on is in your dream its there spirit coming to visit you. the message in this is that he is okay and in a safe place. seeing him in church may be his way of saying that he is in heaven and healthy again.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt



    To see your grandfather in your dream, symbolizes tradition, protection, wisdom, and a caring nature. Consider the qualities and characteristics that exist in your own grandfather.


    To see your grandmother in your dream, represents nurturance, protection, and unconditional love. Consider the qualities and characteristics that exist in your own grandmother.


    To see your grandparents in your dream, symbolizes love, security, wisdom and protection.

    To dream that you are searching for your grandparents, signifies your search for love and protection. You may be regressing to childhood needs.

    Hope this helps!

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