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Who can give me advice about a trip to the USA?


I'm a 22-year-old guy from Germany who wants stay in the USA for a while. Not very long, just 3/4 weeks or so. I'd like to stay with a host family. Can anybody tell me if there are such families in th U.S. who let foreigners live in their homes?

Of course, I could search for info on the internet, but now I want to read info from real people in the first place.



And where do you recommend me to go to? I don't like to end up in a state in which they hate Germans and make my trip a living hell. ;)

2 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Don't know of a lot of families who take in short-term boarders offhand. There are youth hostels in a few places (check, allbeit they aren't anywhere near as prevalent as in Europe.

    As for where, try Florida - tourism is one of the biggest industies in the state, so the locals tend to be friendly, especially in Tourist Central (better known as Orlando.)

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    First I would decide on where you want to go. (which depends on what you're into, and when you'll be travelling). then I'd check on rooms to rent or place a want ad for that area.

    I don't know of any place in America where people would be hateful just because you're German. There are indeed a lot of prejudiced people in America, but that seems to be more about your skin color rather than nationality. For that short of a stay I'd suggest a large city for the best value and cultural experience - such as New York, Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, Seattle, etc.

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