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totem tribe - help with king shade?

so far i have killed all shade princes and had my scouts swim to the middle of the screen (to the waterfalls) to find the king shade. what am i supposed to do next? i cant figure out how to get my warriors to the king to fight him. am i missing something?


1 Antwort

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    I am stuck on the same level you are. I have discovered that if you select all the rocks (the ones identical to those required to get the chest witch island) from each island, you can get the small islands at the top right of screen to join. Hence allowing you to collect the chest, but no luck reaching the nasty King Shade on the center island yet. Please post again if you figure it out, and I will do the same. Good luck!

    UPDATE: I figured it out! Yeah!! Ok, the Shade Princes all left behind a ball of essence. Collect them and place them in the lanterns at the top center of the screen. This opens a portal to King Shade.

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