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Christmas tree solution recipe?

I know there is a recipe for a solution for keeping your live tree fresher, does anyone know it?

Thanks ahead for you help

3 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    1. Refresh the tree by making a straight cut, taking one inch off the butt and immediately place in water. This will improve water uptake (See Tip 1).

    2. Place the tree in a stand that can hold at least 1 gallon of water. You should expect the tree to take up additional water. Water the new tree until water uptake stops.

    3. Always keep the base of a tree in water. If the base dries out, resin will form over the cut end and the tree will not be able to absorb water and will dry out quickly. You don't need anything other than regular tap water - drying out deters future water uptake and will need a new cut. Commercially prepared mixes like aspirin, sugar and other additives introduce into the water are not necessary. Research has shown that plain water will keep a tree fresh.

    4. Check for worn Christmas tree light electrical cords and always unplug at night. Use UL approved electrical decorations and cords. Using miniature lights produce less heat and reduce the drying effect on the tree or any chance of fire.

    5. Take down the tree before it dries out. Many fresh cut trees if properly cared for (using the first five steps) should last at least five weeks before drying out. Some species keep their moisture longer that others.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Just a mixture of sugar and water- Id say about 1/4 cup sugar to one cup water...

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    water in the base and you can put a packet of sugar in optional of course.

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