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How can i translate this question from spanish to english? And can you help me answer the question(in spanish)?

Describe lo que pasó la última vez que Gloria fue de compras. Adónde fue? Qué hizo? Qué dijeron Paco y el dependiente? Qué compró? Como es/son (diseño, talla, tela)? Como le queda(n)? Cuánto costó/costaron? Como pagó?


i also need to use spanish 2 vocab if u know what that means thankss plzz b specific!

4 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    describe what happened the last time that gloria was shopping. where did she go?what did she ddo?what bought?how is/are(design. size, cloth)?how has she left them?how much did it costed?what way she paid?

    the others answers don't have choernce because they tranlated the "fue" like was and that isn't is with go

    Quelle(n): i know thw others answers are bad 'cause i am colombian and i know spanish perfectly i am native
  • decaro
    Lv 4
    vor 5 Jahren

    No mission the reply on your mission is contained in the question your asking lol The * oprima y sus tenga l. a. tecla de saltar para cambiar idioma* really means press and save on urgent the ahead or quick ahead key/button to modify languages. So only press the quick foward button and save on urgent with slightly of success you ''ll have the means to undertsand some thing else afterwards. solid success:) Vanessa*interior sight Spanish Speaker

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Describe what happened the last time that Gloria was shopping. Where was it? What did they do? What they said Paco and the clerk? What to buy? As is / are (design, size, material)? As he left (n)? How much cost / cost? As he paid?

    Hope I helped.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    the question translates to:Describe what happened the last time that Gloria was shopping. Where was it? What did they do? What they said Paco and the clerk? What to buy? As is / are (design, size, material)? As he left (n)? How much cost / cost? As he paid?

    Let me suggest this site for you!

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