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Ist die Satzstellung richtig?


ich soll ein kurz Vortrag über Hugh Laurie halten. Is die Satzstellung richtig?

This is Hugh Laurie. He is 58 years old. Hugh is originally from Oxford, England, but now he lives in the USA because he makes movies there.

He has got 1 doughter her name is Rebecca and he has got 2 sons.

His latest movies are Dr. House and Street Kings. In Dr. House he is a crazy doctor which dont like his patient. In Street Kings he is a police officer.

1 Antwort

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    gut. bis auf:

    he has one daughter whose name is Rebecca, he also has two sons

    ....he is a crazy doctor who doesn't like his patient.

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