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XRAYDELTA1 fragte in PetsBirds · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

Why don't you see dead birds most of the time when they are all over the place..We bury dogs, cats ect ?

But where do birds go when they die? I know this sounds odd but its wierd?

3 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    If you pay attention, there are quite a few dead birds that litter the road, sides of the road. These are the places they are most visible. Birds die, and get killed every where, but scavengers clean up bodies. Scavengers include, vultures, dogs, cats, opossums, armadillos, just to name a few animals that eat the dead, along with ants, and different bugs. You can't see the birds that are dead in the brush, or woods, and even in some places in your own yard. There are plenty of them, but it is not like they are falling from the sky. When most birds are ill or injured, they will hide somewhere on the ground, where they end up dying or something gets them. Rarely does an ill bird sit out in the open when he is sick or injured. They try to hide, and that is usually where they end up dying. This is the reason you don't see more dead birds. Please read my profile.

  • Beth P
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Often birds die where they sit which is usually in trees. See when a bird perches and sleeps its feet lock onto the area it is sitting so it does not fall especially when sleeps. So many die where they are perched in trees. many die on road from being hit by cars. And the scavenger animals clean them up.

    Quelle(n): rehabber
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    there are lots of dead birds you probley havnt noticed, just remember it depends on where you live,,,,country , city , suburbs, etc, most of the dead birds are taken by rodents,and scavengers like cats.

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