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Honestly, how is this promoting drinking? (read on)?

My parents are divorced. Have been for 17ish years. I love to write, and so does my father. Well, I'm doing Research for an article. Well, it has mentioned some sites that talk about alcohol. I do not drink. I never will. I am 23 years old, and I refuse. My father got an email about it, well inviting him to the site. He threw a fit, giving me the 3rd degree through 2 emails. It really hurt. I tried to explain to him in email but he wouldn't listen. Long story short, do you think "research" promotees drinking? Also I am a Christian and he threw a fit saying a Christian shouldn't promote drinking. I'm not. I am merely doing research. My friend who sent me the link is blaming herself. I dont think its her fault. Its my own.I decided to do the research not her. So once again (sorry I guess I made it a long story after all), does me researching these sites promote drinking?


I signed up for one that had "bar" in it, I"m not mentioning the site excatly but It sent an inivite to those in my address book.

14 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Hi Sweetie. Kudos to you for having the will power to not drink. Promote drinking? Not at all and tell your friend not to blame herself. I think it was nice of her for helping you. I'm also sorry that your Dad is giving you a hard time thinking you are promoting drinking. It's similar to parents thinking that music influences to the point that people go out and commit heinous acts on others or on themselves. No one can be influenced if they don't want to be. Good luck on your research.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I do drink, not because of a website. If you are 23 and made an educated adult decision not to drink I am sure a website would not change your mind. I have four daughters and I would not doubt them unless I had a reason to. (like past events that they lied to me about)

    Your Dad loves you but you are an Intelligent adult women that already made a personal decision. He should be proud that you can research and still stay true to your principles.

    Quelle(n): Me
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    It certainly does not! Just to make this clear, do you think that all the articles written about drugs and alcohol are written by addicts? I'd say certainly not! One writes about what they think others may find interesting. I wouldn't consider that promoting that type of behavior. You're article is on different social websites. I'm willing to bet there are alcohol drinkers and non drinkers on all those websites as they normally contain a great variety in people. Good luck on your article and try to overlook that Dad of yours. As a christian simply try praying when he's upset you. Give those hurts and fears over to God! He loves you regardless of what you research and write about!

    Quelle(n): I've taken many journalism classes
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    first of all i think it is wrong for a grown man to complain about a site that people go to to meet new people.(chat and have fun)... second of all i think for a man to complain about drinking when there not even real drinks is a man that dose'nt have fun... third of all what is this man really complaining about there far more worse site out there then this site (not named.. ) when half the time you get on the internet and you get flooded with porn sites and date sites and other stuff like that... for a person to go to a site to meet new people is not a bad thing when all you want to do is meet new people...

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I don't see where researching on a website would promote drinking and besides, you are 23-years-old ... if you wanted to drink, you are legal to do so.

    It sounds like you dad is being a little judgemental. I wouldn't worry too much about it if I were you.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    No. I think your dad went a little overboard there. You didn't do anything wrong so stop blaming yourself.

    How did you doing research lead to him getting an e-mail from them? Something doesn't make sense.

  • Lexi.
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    No, it doesn't. Finding out information about alcohol is completely different than saying that people should drink. Armed with knowledge, people can make better choices.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Not necessarily. Does researching how cells divide and multiply will make you divide and multiply?

    You sound like you have a good head on your shoulders. I congratulate you for that, and for your decision never to drink.

  • Tia
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    No, it doesn't.

    You sound like a smart person. No person would go and research about alcohol if they actually intended to go and do it. They'd just do it.

    Even so - you are 23! You're allowed to do what you like.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    You are playing with fire. Listen to you dad.

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