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old guy fragte in TravelAfrica & Middle EastMauritius · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

How many Mauritius "Post Office" stamps were NOT used ? ?

1 Antwort

  • Shay p
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Altogether, only fourteen copies of the 1d orange-red and twelve copies of the 2d deep blue are known to exist today. These stamps are considered as some of the most famous and important of all the philatelic rarities.

    The first British Colonial postage stamps were issued in Mauritius in 1847. These are the famous “Post Office” issue, so called because of the inscription in the left margin. The design and colours were based upon the then current stamps of Great Britian.

    Some of the 1d stamps were used on covers that contained invitations to a Ball organised by Lady Gomm the wife of the Governor. Three such covers exist today and are of the first importance in philately.

    Altogether, only fourteen copies of the 1d orange-red and twelve copies of the 2d deep blue are known to exist today. These stamps are considered as some of the most famous and important of all the philatelic rarities.

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