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PaulCyp fragte in Consumer ElectronicsCameras · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

Needed: Good quality digital SLR with true manual focus .....?

(focusing by turning the lens turret just like a film SLR) ... BUT which allows viewing of the manual focusing on the LCD, not through the viewfinder! Is there such a camera available at any price?

2 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Most newer DSLR's have Live view, depends on how much you want to spend. All lenses even those made for DSLR's have manual focus. For Canon you can try the XSi, 40D, 50D, and I believe the 5D mark II has live view as well.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Look for a dSLR that has live view. Newer ones have them.

    By the way, that is not quite a way to focus & compose a photo with a SLR--looking at it on a LCD screen is more for a point and shoot. The darn thing is heavy, and with a large lens, there is no way to really hold it without moving (and introducing movements.)

    (I am sure it's great for really close up shots--or when the camera is mounted on a tripod.)

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