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lovely fragte in Family & RelationshipsFamily · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

what's wrong with the nasty witch and my family?

my cousin has always been like an older brother to me. we were big sports fans & would play ball together @ fam bbqs & get-togethers all the time. he actually coached me in a way. but when he started bringing his gf to the fam events, things changed. a bunch of us would suggest playing some bball/vball on teams like we always did and she totally brought the idea down. she didn't even give him a chance to answer himself. then when he proposed, she wasn't happy w/ the ring and the poor guy had to work to pay off the new one. when the wedd plans were underway, she told me i was going to be a bridesmaid. my plans had changed and i ended up not making it to the wedding and she resented me for it ever since. she dragged him to live in another city and completely isolated him from our family. then when she got pregnant, she TOLD MY MOTHER that we should send over a package for the baby. now my aunt is saying that we should come over more often so that i can play with the baby and watch it. i'm a freaking adult in my 20s and fed up w/ that entire side of the fam. what is wrong w/ everyone?

4 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Your cousin is acting like a push over.

    If your sick and tired of that side of the family then cut them off. I cut off my entire biological fathers side, my mums parents and my stepfathers side as they were all abusive cvnts.

    Now I only talk to who I WANT to talk to, namely my mother, brother, sister, two aunts my mums mum and my uncle. They are the ones who love me and care for me and are interested in MY best interests not just their own selfish needs.

    My uncle had a girlfriend similar to the one you have described and was with her for 7 years (he bought her a car, a house but thankfully did not knock her up or get married!) He left when he realised she didnt love him, just his income.

    If you cousin ahs any self respect he will leave eventually but it will take awhile.

    The best thing for you to do at the moment would be to call and talk to him, only HIM if he suggests putting his wife on the phone tell him "sorry I have to go" Go and see them, but don't babysit just because shes asking , sorry, TELLING you to. Go meet their kid and see your cousin but if she starts interrupting or being bitchy just leave. Dont let her take over the conversation or your life, becaue it IS , YOUR life.

    If all else fails, simply turn to her and say "GET F*CKED"


  • vor 5 Jahren

    I neither verify nor deny such allegations. Sometimes I request that the accuser furnish his/her definition of a "witch" motive it could possibly imply such a lot of exclusive matters to folks. Usually, their definition is up to now fetched I become announcing if I was once rather a "witch" you would be a frog now.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I have an idea. Call your cousin.

    You ,"Hey, is she home?"

    Cousin, "No, she's getting her horns sharpened."

    You. "Cool, I'm on my way over. We are going to have fun and you are going to like it!"

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    just tell way you ok get better

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