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Should he like to have a hat like that? (doctor who question)?

When Patrick Troughton played the Doctor (on BBC tv's Doctor Who) in the early stories the Doctor was obsessed with hats "I should like a hat like that!". Do you think the continuation of this trait troughout the Second Doctor's tenure would have enhanced the show or detracted from it?

4 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    To be honest it was a bit of a turn off for me when I first saw the second Doctors hat. The second Doctor was eccentric and whimsical enough compared too the first Doctor, and the hat thing was taking it a bit too far in my opinion. Perhaps if the hat had been a bit more sensible, my opinion would have been different. Something more similar to 4th, 5th or 7th Doctors hats perhaps. That silly looking stove pipe was just a bit too much for my liking though. So when he left the hat behind in "The Underwater Menace" it came as a relief for me.

    I tend to think that one of the reasons they decided to ditch the idea of the hat was the big dip in ratings after the first regeneration. The production team at the time realised they had to try and reduce the culture shock a bit for regular viewers, so they got rid of the hat in order to minimise the change of image.

    Unfortunately it didn't work that well though. The ratings during the second Doctor's tenure never fully recovered to the levels of viewing figures the first Doctor got, and it wasn't until series 7 with Jon Pertwee as the 3rd Doctor, that the viewing figures for the first Doctor stories were matched and even surpassed.

    Edit: Thanks Vicki - I don't know anywhere near as much as monkeymanelvis about the novels and audios though.

  • vor 5 Jahren


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  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I agree with Spacephantom that the hat was something of a mistake, though I also thought that Troughton was an underrated Doctor.

    Has Spacephantom ever thought of writing a book on Doctor Who, I wonder? - he knows everything!!!

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Its just one of his eccentric facets. But yes it would be nice to revisit things like that.

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