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Peter D fragte in Politics & GovernmentElections · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

Who here is in favor of universal education?

If education is universal, compulsory and publicly funded, what's wrong with doing the same for health care?


Sorry, my point is we have universal education funded by the public already. My question is, do we see education as a right? Is it a benefit to such a degree that we'll let taxes pay for it? How does the health of a populace compare to its education?

I am not sure where I stand on universal healthcare. However, I do know we're not getting our money's worth with the system we have currently.

3 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Hear, hear! Church is a great place to get Universal education-FREE!

    Quelle(n): The Bible.
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Public education and universal health care sound wonderful. but how do you pay for it? What do you do about people with catastrophic illness or injury, that will require millions to keep alive? What about people who chronically abuse the system, going to the E.R. every day? Does universal health care mean prescriptions for things like viagra or breast enhancements? After all, a person's self image and worth may depend on those things. How do you keep doctors in practice, if they do not wish to work for the government set rates for treating patients?

    Unfortunately, all those questions and more have to be answered before we can have a viable health care system. And as far as universal education, I don't see that taxpayers have an obligation to support someone through college. Not all people are cut out for college, others may prefer to go straight into some other career. Given that too many public schools are turning out students who can't balance a checkbook, much less handle college level courses, I'd rather start with working on getting primary and secondary education revamped and improved.

  • Deenie
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I might be wrong..but I think in Malaysia education is free...probably taxes pays for it. Everybody should be able to go to college or vocational school. Everybody should have health care too. I just don't think people should stand in huge long lines..esp while they're bleeding etc. and the gov. deciding whether you live or die.

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