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Tim C
Lv 5
Tim C fragte in Computers & InternetSoftware · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

windows media player being weird, not finding music?

ok my wmp plays music fine, but for some reason it won't find the folders in my music unless i manually add them all in. what's up with that? i tried installing a newer version but that didn't help. it was fine, but then i moved my music onto a different hard drive, now wmp can't find all of my songs, even though all of my songs are there. any ideas on how to fix this?


ok i transferred the files from an external hard drive onto my c drive in the "my music" folder in my documents. when it was on the external it was fine, now its on the internal and its acting weird.

3 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    They have to be in your music folder not on a different hard drive.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    If you have a playlist, WMP will recognize the exact spots of those music files at the time you created the list. If you move the files, you will have to (fastest and easiest way) delete the playlist file and add the music files again.

    It doesn't auto-update and keep tabs on where you move your music.

  • Anonym
    vor 7 Jahren

    If you are searching for Media Player you can download it for free here

    It's the best software of its kind.

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