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sun, Star office: Import of yahoo quotes with a macro ?

I try to import yahoo-quotes in Star Office Cal. sheet. But I didn't find how to do it with a macro.

Where can I find help?


1 Antwort

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Most of the 'useful' StarBasic stuff is over in OpenOffice developer forums. From there I got the StarBasic.pdf. The very best 'how-to' is "Learn Spreadsheet Macro Programming." I found that book online.

    A comment or two... with OOo you have the choice of using the original BASIC or UNO. Learn the BASIC first. The hard part is managing the macros you write. Where you put the script is the 'scope' of who can see it. Therefore you need the above book on Macro Pgm. With UNO, you can use java but then you have to learn the API (not that hard).

    A very useful macro I found at OOo makes photo albums with Impress slide show -- like PowerPoint. The macro is delivered on a spreadsheet. A button installs the script into Impress. See, it is technique like that I never would have come up with on my own.

    Great forum community at OOo. Search there for your question, also.

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