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ilyf_x fragte in SportsVolleyball · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

Volleyball differences? ?

I want to ask what are the differences between the Mikasa MVA 200 and MVA330 volleyballs? How much better is the MVA 200 when you use it vs. the MVA 330 with regards to the feeling of the ball, how easy it is to spike, etc etc.


2 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    They're both synthetic, made from dimpled microfiber. I've played with a 200 and it really feels different from the standard volleyball, mainly because it has only 8 panels. I can't offer a firsthand comparison between the 200 and 330 though, but I noticed a couple of things about the 200 versus a standard 18-panel ball.

    One I didn't like -- I have a nasty drop serve that just dies on the 10-foot line although it looks like it will carry deep. But it didn't die with the 200, it just kept floating gently through the air. The ball feels softer than the older style balls, and curves less when you hit it hard. It stings less to pass a hard hit ball.

    The difference between the 200 and 330 is about $10-30 per ball depending on where you buy it (the 330 is cheaper). The 330 is described as a practice ball, though it's available in the same sizes and weights as the 200, so I assume there are some differences that make the 200 better.

    If your budget is a consideration, and you're buying for a team, get a bunch of 330s for practice and 3 or 4 200s for match play. If I had to choose just one or the other, I'd get a 200.

    Quelle(n): Many years of playing and coaching volleyball. Currently coaching a college team.
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    if you are a good volleyball player, and you know how to spike, it makes no difference

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