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Lv 5
cnw002 fragte in Games & RecreationBoard Games · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

White Wolf old world of darkness question?

So I'm starting a game of changeling and one of my players wants to take a werewolf companion. The book that she can have a one, but the problem is I can't find any information about how werewolfs and changelings interact. So I was wondering...

How do werewolves treat changelings when they first meet them? Do they see the fae as something to hunt when they get bored, or as part of the Gaia or the spirt world and thus something that shouldn't be harmed unles it tries to harm them?

Obviously werewolves can smell that changelings aren't really human but do they see the fae seeming or the mortal seeming?

Can a werewolf enter a freehold without first being enchanted by a fae? I assume a fae has to open the door, so to speak, but since they are technically magical would a werewolf need to be enchanted like human would?

Do chimerical items and creatures have any effect on werewolves?

And this really doesn't have anything to do with changeling but I was flipping through a friend of a friend's werewolf book and I swear I saw something in the Silver Fang tribe section about them acctually having silvery teeth. So does that mean they have shiney teeth or teeth that look metalic or is there even anything in the book about that?

2 Antworten

  • Kristy
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    ...ok, first of all, ignore the guy who first answered. If he doesn't know what "chimerical" means, he doesn't have a clue what you're talking about.

    By and large, Garou and the fae have an tentative alliance. In general, they see a common enemy - if the Wyrm isn't banality, it's close enough for government work. Similarly, the things that help increase glamour in an area also help decrease corruption, thus making both groups happy. So there's definitely some common ground. In fact, check me on this, but I think the Fianna actually work with changelings on a regular basis. Still and all, though, they are different supernatural creatures who may have their own agenda, so complete trust is probably unrealistic. Your player's werewolf buddy may have packmates who don't like that he spends so much time hanging out with something that isn't human, isn't a werewolf, isn't an animal, and isn't a spirit... and therefore, how can he trust it or predict what it'll do?

    As for the other questions: page 210 of C:tD says that supernatural creatures (they specifically name werewolves) have to be enchanted, same as humans, before they can interact with fae. (They also say that some have the ability to enchant themselves, but they helpfully don't explain exactly what that entails.)

    So no, werewolves might sense something was off, and if they knew about fae they might guess what it was, but they couldn't see the fae seeming or be affected by chimera unless and until they were enchanted.

    However, on p. 284 of the same book, it remarks that werewolves can travel between realms and it's rumored that the most powerful can even travel to Arcadia. So you could rule, as storyteller (and using the vagueness of the "enchant themselves" proviso), that if a changeling opens a door, a werewolf can enter a freehold without being enchanted - and, of course, once inside can see fae seemings, see chimera and be affected by them, etc. Before deciding for or against that, though, take a moment to consider what plot you've got planned, and whether giving werewolves that ability across the board will in the long run help or hurt the story.

    As for Silver Fangs - can't help you there, I'm afraid. OWOD Fuzzy was never my game. Given the Garou's aversion to silver, I can't really imagine them having silver teeth, although I could credit some painting their teeth with a silvery metal for intimidation purposes. Still, though, if they could do it safely, wouldn't that be a great weapon?

    Edit: it's great knowing a lot of gamers. Things I don't know, other people know. Apparently having silver-plated teeth was a Gift ANY Garou could pick up. (Who knew?) Agg bite. Gotta love it.

    Quelle(n): Sources: These conversations: and Changeling: the Dreaming pp. 210 and 284 And my friend G's brain.
  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    WTF are you talking about?

    ... Mythologically speaking, werewolves and changelings are supernatural creatures and would bond with eachother. So werewolves would see the changelings as part of nature, and shouldn't attack unless attacked.

    ... And since werewolves are magical, they can enter without blessed.

    Chimerical .. is that even a word ..? .... "Chimera" weapons only affect dragons.

    .... The Silver Fang wolves don't ACTUALLY have silver teeth. I mean cummon, they're allergic to silver. That's like saying Dracula has a trenchcoat made out of garlic. They just have gleaming, shiny white teeth.

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