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Question For Christians: Do You Believe the US Should Be a Theocracy?

My question is based on the creepy comments I got when my answer was chosen as "best" regarding Pallin:

The whole topic of the bible never being wrong is one we will just agree to disagree on in this question. My question is do you truly believe that US leaders should make all decisions based on the Bible or 'speaking to God'?

18 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    No. I am a conservative Christian.

    If one is not a "Hee Haw" Christian and has actually read and can comprehend the Scriptures than such a one would have to agree; such as you have ask is not in the interest of God and, in fact would be counter to His great plan.

    Have a nice day.

  • Joel V
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Jesus said, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and give to God what is God's"

    Jesus said that his kingdom was spiritual, not physical. We are not called to build a physical kingdom for Jesus(a theocratic government), we are call to build the spiritual kingdom, by bringing others to believe and receive salvation.

    There worst thing that can happen in Christianity is for it to be "normal" to be a Christian. When being a Christian is "normal", that leads to people pretending to be Christians just to look normal, so we do not know that we need to witness to them.

    With that being said, it is good to have a government that is influence by biblical morals. The bible says that every human life, whether it is an unborn child, a down-syndrome adult, or a senile old man, has the same value in the eyes of God.

    If we don't draw a line on our country's morals, when will the line be drawn? If we are allowed to kill unborn children, why shouldn't we be able to kill newborns who come out with a physical imperfection the doctors don't catch, or are simply the wrong gender the parents want? What keeps us from euthenizing the retards, psycotics, and the elderly who cannot contribute to society?

    We need to draw the moral line and we need to draw it now.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    No country should be a theocracy, you can't make decisions by "Speaking to god" - decisions need to be backed up by due diligence, and god is not due diligence.

    Plus, I'd like to say it's scary when someone says the bible is NEVER wrong, simply pointing out inconsistencies within the bible itself should be enough. And the fact that different denominations have different bibles should say something.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Of course not.

    When have Christians ever embraced theocracy? Even at the height of the Pope's power in Europe Christians refused to adopt a theocracy. There has never been a Christian theocracy on earth, despite the fact that Great Britain, Greece, Russia, and all of Europe (just to name a few) once boasted state-sponsored Christianity amid a majority Christian population.

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Christians in Colonial America didn't want any sort of theocracy, because otherwise the Baptists and the Congregationalists and the Unitarians would be at each others' throats, and everyone would be beating up on the Quakers; that's why we have separation of church and state in the Constitution. But then again, Dominionism wouldn't exist for another century, so none of them could really imagine the sheer barking madness of modern fundamentalism. (As it was, they had the then-much-nastier Catholic Church to deal with.)

  • ?
    Lv 4
    vor 4 Jahren

    which will by no potential ensue. To ammend US shape it demands 2/3 majority. Even 0.5 the individuals won't vote in choose of Christian Theocracy. they'd by no potential agree which type of Christianity ought to become the valid faith of u . s . of america. ultimate subject to can do for u . s . of america is make an Ammendment which will restrict making rules against the classes of Christianity like giving licenses of liquor, prostitution and so on. which ever are prohibited in Bible, Quran, Torah and so on. I doubt if regulation makers will comply with do even that lots.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    No way

    Whos religion would it be based on?

    The framers of the Constitution saw the kind of power the large churches held over the gvts in Europe. They saw the kind of oppression that kind of power brought to other people that didnt share those religious beliefs. They didnt want that to happen. They set up a gvt that couldnt be easily influenced by a large entity like the Church of England or the Catholic Church.

    I think religious freedom is one of the most fundamental rights all people should have regardless of where they live. A theocracy pretty much destroys that right.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    a theocracy? not at, i don't see how people can divorce their beliefs from their decision making, if those beliefs are sincerely held; what you believe is a large part of who you really are. the thing is, how do you follow your own conscience without imposing your beliefs on others who may disagree? that's one of the most wonderful things about our constitution; it guarantees that no religious test may be used to qualify or disqualify anyone from public service, and it guarantees that the government can't establish a religion, nor prevent people from freely exercising their religious beliefs or rejecting all of them! my own beliefs influence everything i do, but i understand and appreciate that most people don't believe as i do...besides, i've always been one to 'render unto caesar that which is caesar's, and render unto God that which is God's'...there IS a theocracy coming, but that kingdom is not of this world, but of the next

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    No non-Christian would go for that and Christians shouldn't either. Do they want the government made of corruptible men telling them how they should worship God and when? Instead of Christianity being a personal experience for some it will become an oppression on all. Render unto Caesar folks!

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Wow, that "wildgirl" chick is a real toon! Just when you thought people were starting to advance in this country, THEY start to crawl out of the woods... and vote!

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