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Do dogs go to Heaven?

18 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Syrely Dogs go to heaven and so do the Lions and the Tigers who have been kind to their preys. Surely their preys go there as well and hope that natures redundant teeth and fangs wont hurt them there (funny thing this evolution, i hope it deosnt make any sense in there though!) And of course so do all the creatures that made pet food.

    I would really like heaven to be a place where souls have recucled fromn the dog to their prey to their enemy the cat to humans to their enemies and foes, from teh rich to the poor from teh Third world to the First World and have all the cycle of living cretures and position and point of view seen and understood by all the living souls so then and only then can we have understanding!

    I would personally therefore se the dog, or the cat as another soul, but this would be just my personal wishfullthinking fantasy!

    In any case dogs should not be owned! They should live independent lifes, i think!

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I dont agree with a few of those signs but I do not see anywhere in the bible that says animals go to heaven when they die. The blessing of mankind to gain access to heaven was a blessing God gave to man alone I believe. There may be animals already in heaven as the bible says that Christ and the angels will ride down on white horses when He returns and many of the angelic beings in heaven have animal features such as the Cherubim (4 heads one like a lion, ox, eagle, and man). Many people picture heaven like a great big square or a city in the clouds but the bible doesnt really tell us what heaven looks like so it could have the same characteristics as earth except of course in perfection.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Yes, all of God's living things on Earth can join him in Heaven.

    From the pictures, it looks like the Catholic Church and the Presbyterian Church are having a petty debate. Believe what you want to believe, but there is no reason that dogs couldn't go to Heaven.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Yes. If they are loved, they do.

    Obon is an annual celebration honoring the dead (including pets) and a time when Japanese reunite with their families and visit the graves of their ancestors. It is famous for the Obon Odori, or Obon-style dance, as well as lighting candles at the end of the night to symbolize the journey of the souls of the departed.

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  • hakeem
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    In my religion ,in the other day god judge between all animals if one hit the other he will let it to take its revenge and after all he saythem be a soil and this is the end of them .This is because in this life god created these animals to be tools for us to help us in our life.The God say when the unbelievers see the destination of the dogs and he knows that he did not do well then he hope if he can be asoil as well

    so as to a viod the hell.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Thats funny, the Apostle John saw in the book of revelations animals worshiping in heaven. Da

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    This question was posed to a pastor in a group I was attending. He stated that in accordance to the bible all living things possess a soul. That is our life force. He went on to specify, however, that just as the Godhead is a trinity so are we. That we are body, soul and spirit.

    It is our spirit with which we commune with God. It is that part of us that loves God and strives to attain a place beside him. It is also, he said, that part of us which grants us the higher facilities of protracted reasoning and self knowledge that other mammals lack.

    As such he says that dogs, cats and other animals cannot ascend to heaven as they lack that part of them which communes spirit to spirit with the Creator.

  • Fool
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Dogs don't know the difference between good and evil, so they are not sinners and they are not under Gods judgement, therefore all dogs go to heaven.

    But all humans are sinners because of the original sin, so not all of us will go to heaven.

    Maybe dogs have no soul, but they have certainly much more love than humans.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I would say YES. I believe all of God's animals will go to heaven. We the people are the tested ones and have to keep the commandments and exercise our faith.

  • Frank
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    No, I don't believe that they do. Animals do not have souls and don't sin so have nothing to be saved from. That is my personal opinion only.

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