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Arrrrrrrrrrgh!, who else has had enough?
Look at the top 20 questions in Astronomy and Space:;_ylt=Am19PIL8YH...
16 of them are about the end of the world. Can someone tell me what this has to with Astronomy? I'm sick of this bunk, and it's only going to get worse the closer we get to 2012. Does anyone else agree?and more importantly what can we do? . . . Maybe an Email campaign to Yahoo answers administrators to set up a doomsday nitwit forum?
15 Antworten
- Anonymvor 1 JahrzehntBeste Antwort
i have concluded that the anti-lhc hype is yet another u.s.-based anti-europe smear campaign.
until yesterday, the most powerful particle accelerators in the world were run by good ol' boys in places like illinois (tevatron) and california (slac). now the biggest particle accelerator in the world says "made in the eu" on it, and instead of scintists exploring the universe, it's a bunch of greasy foreigner madmen plotting to blow up the planet.
the sssc was going to be even more powerful than lhc (20 tev instead of 7), but that got canceled. curiously, there was never any end-of-the-world doomsday stuff associated with it. i wonder why?
the biggest cyclotron in the world is in my home town, btw, but i don't glow in the dark. it would screw up my astronomy...
- Mark TLv 7vor 1 Jahrzehnt
There is a kids show called Avatar, which had a wonderful line.
The main characters is a young monk who has a friend that is (at best), indifferent to his spiritual responsibilities and it's consequences on the universe, upon hearing his complaint regarding , she says
Character : "My seventh chakra was locked, cutting off my connection to all the cosmic energy in the universe."
Friend : "You know what I just heard? Blah blah spiritual mumbo jumbo blah blah something about space."
It's rather like that , when it comes the utterly pathetic state of our science education , public interest in science or education and most importantly I feel the failure of our news programs to actually report news in anything approaching an effective fashion.
So at least 20 fellow participants, heard the news and "You know what THEY just heard? Blah blah end of the world blah blah something about space."
While certainly there is the whole 2012 eschatology, but every time there is a news program about something where the writers/reporters have a limited amount of knowledge, or there is some possibility of "Grand-Mal" type danger, - its the end of the world.
Given the appallingly poor reporting, with respect to the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva coming online this week, and there is a schedule posted including a goal to conduct a high-energy proton collision experiment, (to detect the high-energy Higgs' Boson sub atomic particle), in the near future.
Of course, pumping up the hype, this has been reported as potentially creating a black-hole, which will consume the Earth, or some such.
- Jason TLv 7vor 1 Jahrzehnt
I have had enough of people asking questions that have already been asked and are clearly visible on the front page of the astronomy and space section. I am sick to death of LHC questions. Yesterday the ENTIRE first page was composed of the same question phrased in various ways. Yes, it may be the first time the person has asked the question, but what stopped them seeing that someone had already asked the same question and reading the answers there?
It's a problem, because having to trawl through page after page of the same question puts some of us off bothering to look for the decent questions and answering them.
- vor 1 Jahrzehnt
The sad thing is it'll never stop. What people need to realize is the people on here answering questions are just everyday people, there could be some scientists for all I know, but for the most part it's just average people coming on hoping to help another human being out. That being said us average joes aren't going to know when the world is going to end (hell even experts don't have a clue), so the point of asking a question based on the end of the world is sort of stupid. I find myself sitting down and reading through them though just to see some of the answers that come up. It really is hilarious and I find myself unable to stop reading the scenarios people are coming up with, but mostly because some of them are just so entirely out there that they had to be on drugs it'd seem to even think them up.
The question people need to ask themselves would be ''why spend 5 billion or so dollars on something to kill ourselves?'' I am sure we could get out of dooming the race for a lot cheaper than that, but hey at least when the light beams crash against each other it'll make a pretty color or something.
I am not looking forward to being around here during 2012 (or even 2011) because I know there is going to be an over-abundance amount of questions about it. People aren't even living their lives because they're worried their going to die. Guess their parents never told them that death was a normal part of life...and since nobody can live forever then why worry about it? They need to get real and instead of making up stupid questions on here they need to shut the computer off and walk outside.
See any black holes? No, good. Now live before you die.
People, tisk tisk, when will they learn. Hah.
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- Anonymvor 1 Jahrzehnt
A Doomsday section would be great, but it would only work if questions could also get moved afterwards. Most questions are come from people, who fulfill two criterias:
- They don't look if the question was already answered.
- They don't care if they ask at the right place.
- FeytheLv 5vor 1 Jahrzehnt
It's a question and answer forum. I'd rather there were more questions about astronomy in the astronomy section, but people will get better answers here than they will talking to their friends on myspace.
I vote to keep on answering those questions, as many of them as you can stand, and to keep being kind and polite. You may be frustrated at answering the 20th "black hole experiment" question of the day but to the person that asked it, it's their first "black hole experiment" question of the day and you may be the only sane, knowledgeable voice they have on the subject.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, we should resist the urge to get rude and condescending.
- MirkoLv 6vor 1 Jahrzehnt
Well, in Astronomy & Space in spanish we also have the same issue... pages and pages of people (I wonder if they even can be called people) who asks about the "end of the world" (don't they see that it has already been asked before?)... And they are late!!! (no, the world didn't ended, but the LHC test was BEFORE many of the questions).
That's today, anyway. But usually, we've got a lot of questions about astrology, people who dislike big bang theory, end of the world because of Apophis, LHC, Mayans prophecies, and even creationists!
- Anonymvor 1 Jahrzehnt
I'm just glad the Earth didn't collapse in upon itself from the black holes created with the experiment at the new accelerator they built in Switzerland yesterday.
I was really worried. ;-)
Excuse me, I have to go run around in circles yelling about how the world will end in 2012 for a bit.
- Anonymvor 1 Jahrzehnt
End of The World junk would go great in the religious category, i mean there is already a ton of End of Days mumbo jumbo floating around there this type of crud should be their responsibility.
- grayureLv 7vor 1 Jahrzehnt
It makes a refreshing change to the endless Moon Landing hoax questions though, doesn't it? Hey, maybe the LHC is being faked.