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Lv 7
Greg fragte in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

How much of Palin's family business are taxpayers going to end up paying for?

Turns out she's been asking Alaska to foot the bill for flying her children around.... even to see their daddy race snow machines....

She charged the state a per diem for staying at her own house... but she did put the state's jet on ebay...

If she thinks her family is necessary to conduct the people's business...and takes them with her at our expense to conduct business.... shouldn't they all be running for office or staying home?? Last I checked babysitters were cheaper than airfare...especially when you have family in town like Palin does.


Touchet: Where do you get your facts other than out of the back of your own head.

READ the article... it talks to a former Alaska Gov... who can "count on one hand" the number of time he took his children to conduct state business. Palin ran out of fingers on both hands before she even finished a term.

And... if she hadn't been so proud of selling off that jet this wouldn't be an issue... more passengers... same cost per trip.

Instead she sells the jet and ends up saving no one any money because she charges the state a per diem for staying in her own house and flies her damn family everywhere individually.... including her husband for flights that weren't even related to her work.

So much for accountability in the Republican party... fiscally responsible my ****.

Update 2:

Brandon: Next time find a question that actually deals with the issue you want to rant about rather than trying to hijack a thread...

From your clearly highly intelligent style I bet arguments with you have a lot "nuh huh"... "yes huh" instead of actual topic discussion... am I wrong?

Update 3:

Edit: Touchet.... why would you decide to change your name to "Black Gay Muslim" ??

Man you've got some issues

13 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    It's just more empty Republican pandering.

    She sold the jet but then charged the state for her whole family to fly commercial.... something they could have done with NO ADDITIONAL expense if she had just kept the d amned jet. But she is a panderer and that's what panderers do.... re-state the scenario falsely... but in a way that reflects positively on herself.

    Same with the "bridge to nowhere" she was all for it when running for office... but when it turned into a political minefield she waited until after the funding had been canceled and then took credit for fighting "earmarks."

    She's in bed with the same interests as Ted Stevens (who's been lining his pockets with oil money for decades).... and all the while smiling about how she is going to reform things... change Washington.

    What a load... Republicans criticize Obama for not being a career politician but in the same breath praise Palin for not being a career politician... even though she jumped immediately into bed with all the same anti-environmental/ anti-academic/ war mongering corporate Republican machine that got the U.S. into the condition it's in right now.

    She just another hypocrite Republican... I've heard that in Alaska they actually grow on trees.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I read that story. I do have an issue with choosing to work at home and charging the tax payers per Diem when they could have a home cooked meal. Traveling expense reimbursement is designed for when you are forced to eat elsewhere when on company/state business. You don't get per Diem when you go to the office or stay at home.

  • Erika
    Lv 4
    vor 5 Jahren

    ok, 1st- Palin supported the bridge to nowhere even as conversing to the persons of alaska then replaced her concepts even as she felt some stress 2d- She kept the money for the bridge, then spent like 26 million on the line that leads as a lot because the bridge that isnt getting equipped. third- going after huge oil? you comprehend her husband works area-time for an oil business employer authentic? 4th- going after huge oil, via permitting them to drill in Alaska for more desirable oil? fifth- As for the 30 billion dollar pipe line she didnt snub the oil organizations she wined and dined human beings to get the pipeline even as 2 American organizations are literally prepared to do it w/o any funds from the goverment. sixth- Alaska in 1998 surpassed the gay marriage ban - definite Palin agreed with it yet had not something to do with it, Plus she by no potential signed the benefits equipment for gays that replaced into executed via the perfect courtroom. I have listed resources lower than for each of those. So except they are all only lies your crap printed is as a rule incorrect or you're giving credit to Palin for not something. Heck perchance Palin invented the internet too.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    This is a mistake and a trap you guys are putting yourselves in. Keep up the good work.


    You are making it easy for more claims of sexism to come out. You guys never learn do you.

    I am not lying to you. They all have an account to pay for such things. Hosting parties is another account they have, where they hav political parties bought and paid for by tax payers. This is par for the course for every govenor and head of state type official. By drawing out Sarah Palin, you are going to make it easy to make the case that you are doing this because she is a woman.

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    She's just showing her family taxpayer expense. Can't wait to see what sort of "reform" she'll bring to Washington. LOL. What a hypocrite.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Man that f@#$ up. I happy I don't live in Alaska

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Was this the family business that she appropriately incorporated under the name "Redneck"?

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    She is a disgusting leech and is obsessed with saving Alaska's money so she can spend it on herself and her family. Imagine what she would do with federal money.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Somebody stop her!

    Vote Obama

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    goodness. and that grandchild is another seat to pay for. so sad

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