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how can I add easily the names of several files into one file.?

I have about 600 xls files. each file has a file name with several information. now I wanna find a way to add all these file names into a document. txt, word or excel. but I can't get it done.

any idea?


thanks a lot epidavros.

this was easy and quick.

guess dos is better than vista ;)

2 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Go to Run and type Cmd

    Change to the directory where the xls files are (you can use the CD command to change directory)


    DIR *.XLS > somefile.txt

    somefile.txt will now contain a list of all the file names.

  • vor 4 Jahren

    i'm uncertain approximately some application that enables you cope with it like that yet you do understand which you would be able to press CTRL + left click to decide on different pictures suitable? attempt it out if not, that would desire to save you hundreds of time in case you have been in simple terms doing it one with the help of one.

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