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Edel S fragte in PetsDogs · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

Help with old dog?

my partner has got a old german shepherd (17 years) she now does her toilett inside the house it's time for her to go to sleep. But my partner does not want her to do it at the vet's he wants her do die at home in her own bed. Is there any way we can do it in a humenly possible way?

11 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    the vet can do an at home visit for you so your dog is in the comfort of her own home. she will have familiar surroundings and you and your partner will be there too. if she is still eating you can give her her absolute favorite treat too like chocolate coz it wont matter anymore. she will pass with her family, her home and her fav treat.

    otherwise you and your partner can leave her and she will pass on her own when its time although you and your partner may not be there to say good bye to her, so make sure you are ready for that. just keep her comfortable is all you can do.

    im very sorry to hear this bad news but she has had a great 17 years with you and please remember all the happy times :)

    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Find out of the vet can make a special house call for an additional fee.

    Otherwise your only option is suffocation or shooting the poor dogs which is cruel and not a sure thing. My husband thought he could put our dog down himself but I forced him to take the dog to the vet. He was so upset when the vet gave the dog the shot he knew he couldn't look the dog in the eye and kill him.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    we had to put my dog down in may because the cancer was spreading really bad and she was 15. No I don't believe there is any good way to do it but to put her to sleep at the vets office is as easy as it gets. They will take her back and do the business. You get to say your good byes and if you have a casket you can take her to her and bury her where ever you would like. it is a really hard time for any family but you will feel better afterwards because you do not have to see her in pain any more and know she is in heaven running in the clouds like she is a puppy again

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    as a vet tech student and a kennel manager.... i understand the pain it is to put pets to "sleep". if you live in an area that has house call vets they could do it at home. the euthanizia is a peacefull way to go. it is just as it say they drift off to sleep as painless as just lying down to take a nap. if your area doesn't have house call vets you could bring in the dogs bed and blanket, toys and/or anything that makes you more comfortable. if you just speak to your local vet i'm sure they will work with you.

    Quelle(n): vet tech student, kennel manager, and long time animal lover
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  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    ask the vet to make a house call. Might have to spend some more money but if it is what your partner wants...

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Just a vet house call is the only humane way.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Is she in pain? Please don't have her put down just because she goes to the toilet inside. Like someone else said, there are incontinence pads available.

    I agree with most of the answers, contact your vet and get them to come to your place and have her put down there. She'll be around everyone she loves and in her bed, she'll go to sleep happy.

    I love the idea of giving her chocolate as well, I wish I thought of that when my dogs were put down.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    You know they make doggy diapers for this right...reusable and disposable. Why don't you guys just let her live out her life?

    Anyways like people said...some vets will make house calls to put down an animal.

    Quelle(n): Friend's dog was 24....he was put down because he developed cancer and it would have been painful to live. Peeing isn't painful...maybe your friend could reconsider
  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    my dog was put down humanly at my house i just called my vet and he came but maybe its diff where you are?!

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt


    Quelle(n): eagle
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