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A painter's/decorator's vocational training in the UK?

This is a serious questions I need for my occupation: Which are the usual ways in the parts of the UK from graduating with a GCSE until the moment you hold an an official document

in your hands which declares you an trained craftsman in the field of decorator/painter? Thank you in advance for undergoing the trouble of typing some sentences!

HySt2812, Germany

1 Antwort

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    four years for full qualifacation

    three yearsin college /on site learning (including optional fx like marble effect ect)

    1 yr on tools

    dob jone

    (modern apprenticship so earn and learn)

    (special effects decorators can charge anywhere up to £30ph so stay for that extra year i didnt bother and its costing me a small fortune in colege fees and kit to practice at home with)

    And most of all

    Good luck

    Quelle(n): bin done t-shirt
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